Robert K Doi

Robert K Doi

About The Artist

I have been actively learning the art of drawing on a serious and joyous daily basis since I was 14. This visual learning continues to enrich every aspect of who I am. I am truly humbled to learn from those pioneer artists of yesteryear and my contemporaries who have sacrificed so very much to master their craft and continually leap beyond the so called limits of what was thought to be impossible barriers to overcome. Being a product of my life style predicaments I chose to earn an adequate wage to raise a small family. Thus have devoted my younger years' energies to nurture the discovery of the creative talents and or appreciation for the visual arts in others. This was as a public school art instructor for age levels 6 through 20. I also taught a Methods of Teaching Art on the Elementary School Levels at our nearby Metropolitan State College. I now am able to pursue my own personal growth as an artist. Although i have exhibited rather extensive when time permitted; my main objective has been to first find my "voice" as a visual artist as I did in 1987. During that year I struggled within my search for creative meaning to find who I was being during the act of visual image making. It was during this intense search that I found and heard such inspiring piano compositions by Peter Kater! Very soon thereafter I ecstatically challenged myself to visually reproduce his energetic melodies and awe inspiring rhythms! This was the beginning of a wondrous journey still going strong which I call "energy drawings"! Many of my full color drawings that have also been based on the concepts explored in 1987 have been digitally manipulated using PhotoShop to produce dazzling color changes and inspiring imagery compositions. All these are versions of or related in some way to the variety of explorational discoveries initiated in 1987 and continuing to flourish today.