Claude GEAN

Claude GEAN

About The Artist

This confirmed artist, well known by art amateurs, has done exibitions in galleries and prestigious shows of the capital city, such as the « french artists » shows in the « Grand Palais » des champs elysées, or the Armies national shows in the « Orangerie du Sénat » and even in many shows and galleries in Toulouse and its region. Rich of a wide creative period of more than 30 years, his website proposes some expressive pieces of art from his first season and some more recent, contemporary, with this permanent evolution, thanks to both his treaty and his subjects of inspiration. An atypical and original artist, where the representative takes a particular meaning, reuniting the line of the drawing, the artistic considerations, the rchness of the texture and the subtle colors vibrations. We can discover in it, the architectural destructuration of his villages, underlined by wired outlines and his sensual girls who exposes themselves just like in the « red light district » in Amsterdam. All of his paintings put together tell us about life. Independant soul, the emotionnal rythm which emerges from his work testifies his creative strentgh and his intellectual values which symbolize painting in general. Self educated contemporary artist, Claude Gean, who was initially trained towards « research », can't stop discovering new effects in the textures which reinforces the line of the drawing which is often very academic but sometimes more free and more spontaneous, guided by the inconscious. He never left the sphere of art : as technical director in his Advertising Agency, practice it turns the computer aided design and silkprinting on all media. His oil painted pieces of art are, according to the subject or the purposed, made on wood frame canvas of cotton or hessian, always in the workshop and preferably artificial light. Painting is his writing, from which emerges a feeling that expresses his complex personnality, at once idealistic, independant, pragmatic but not devoid of deep fantasies.