Mimi Shapiro

Mimi Shapiro

About The Artist

Most aptly described as a visual poet, Mimi Shapiro mixes trinkets and treasures, words and images, into a powerfully evocative body of work. Each piece conveys a sense of time and place as seen through the mind's eye of memory, combining reality and fantasy to create a n amazingly cohesive vision. Her deeply "connected" artistic expressions are accessible and immediate, while allowing interpretation to the viewers imagination. Her works are included in many notable collections both in the United States and internationally.Think / Feel / Ruminate / Create Collage on paper or in altering a book involves taking blank paper and adding it to change it in some way. One of the things about altered books, nothing goes to waste. The book is a personal statement, it’s compelling, almost addicting to see how each one evolves. It's is a canvas for ideas, personal and individual, unique to the mood of the days/daze that I am working on it. Relax, change direction, trust my intuition and then take an idea and run with it. Go away and do something else. Think more…scribble and draw and move the piece towards the unexpected. Add more collage elements, and amuse me. Open up, let go, move the paint on the page, add wax, scratch back into the page. I am fully aware of what I had in mind but I have to be willing to let the process play out and see what happens. Curiosity is the most important art/life trait. I love to see what changes when I work this way. Every artist chooses the materials and creates the spirit she desires to share with her work. Creativity always requires something new - a different interpretation - a break from the twin opiates of habit and cliché. This way of thinking is why all of Mimi’s artwork and books are different riffs on familiar themes, collage and mixed media is the perfect choice for exploration and art thinking. 'Cause art is the verb-to do. Serendipity.