Stephanie Holznecht

Stephanie Holznecht

About The Artist

Obtaining a BA in graphic design and fine art, I worked for many years as a graphic designer and art director. I made a switch from realism to abstract art about 15 years ago, allowing me to be more expressive and expansive with my paintings. I work primarily in mixed media paint, painting in two different styles simultaneously. I use four to five canvases at a time, allowing for a very creative work atmosphere. This permits me to get more emotionally tied to the paint, creating a sense of harmony that leaves me feeling exceptionally invigorated as I work. Abstract art has become my life’s obsession. I paint the emotions that flood my mind each day. Every moment brings new images for me to paint, creating a sense of euphoric peace. I invest in the creation of a piece of art to convey what I have inside: my thinking, my emotions, my life, my essence and my soul. It’s also a way I can reach my own desires and essential demands out of life. For me it is important to create what I feel. My abstract art is an extension of myself. Full of passion and emotion: happy, sad, angry, calm, all playing a part in my creative process. The sights running through my mind create the desire to paint in a more expressive form. The inspiration that I take from experiencing life creates a feeling that continues to inspire me. I don’t think, as an artist, that is something I will ever lose.