Mary Morgan

Mary Morgan

About The Artist

I was born and raised in Texas, however spent some time overseas living with my family in Cali Colombia for a year at the age of ten and in Zurich, Switzerland at the age of 18. At the International school as a senior I took my first painting class. I was influenced by the art world around me in Europe and began to paint still-life/ landscapes and enjoyed the process of learning how to mix paint. When I left Europe and attended a jr. college I studied music and therefore did not continue my education in art until I attended Baylor University in the fall of 1970. I received my BS degree from Baylor with a secondary education degree in Physical Education and Art. Since that time I've taught in many diverse teaching positions and after many years of teaching I had an opportunity to obtain my MA degree in Painting from Texas Woman's University. Presently I enjoy teaching as an adjunct professor. Recently I had the opportunity to travel to Istanbul Turkey with my husband for several different summer. During one of those trips I had a solo art show in Istanbul at Aden gallery. My personal style continues to evolve and much of my current work is abstraction based upon experiences that I have had with individuals and places I have visited. I always say that my work is an enmeshment of both worlds inner and outer.