About The Artist

2013 Studies Expressive Arts in Social Transformation / University of Applied Sciences /Hamburg 2013 Teaching Art /Bookillustration in primary schools / Hamburg 2012 Studies Airbrush Design / Institute for Fine Art in Bochum 2012 Member of the Gedok ( Association for Artists in Germany) 2010 Assistent in Malwerk (Artschool) in Hamburg. 2009 Final Degree: Illustrator 2006 Travelling through South,East and West Africa 2004-2009 Studies Illustrationdesign / The international Art School of Illustration 2003 Studies for Stageprojects called "Act" (Mask and Costume) 2003 Assistent in the Goethe Theatre in Bremen. (painting projects) 2002 Fachabitur at the school for Art in Bremen.