Elisha Bartov, M.D.

Elisha Bartov, M.D.

About The Artist

GENERAL I was born in Kibbuz Gvaram in the north Negev in Israel in 1951. I am married to Aldema a Psychotherapist and have 2 wonderful children Nitsan and Asaf. I am an Ophthalmologist, Chairman of the Eye Department in the Wolfson Medical Center and an Associate Clinical Professor in the Sakler Faculty of Medicine of the Tel Aviv University. I was a Fulbright Fellow in Ophthalmology in the Johns Hopkins University and Hospital in 1986 to 1988. I was chairman of the Government employed physicians in Israel (ARM)and Vice Chairman of the Israel Medical Association (IMA)for 15 years until 2009. ARTISTIC BIO l grew up in a house where art was part of the air I breathed since my mother was a painter and a children's book writer and illustrator. Later on my older sister Hana also became an artist. Books about art history where some of the first books I ever read and I enjoy this subject to this day. Throughout my life I drew incessantly with pen and crayon and sometimes watercolors. Two years ago l made the major step of moving to mainly Oil and Acrylic on Canvas. This step was aided by the extra free time I now have since I left my offices with the ARM and IMA and the direction of my great art and painting teacher Riki Maysee. I had my first and exremely successful exhibition on April 2014 at the Amalia Arbel Gallery in Tel Aviv. I presented 36 Oil and Acrylic paintings and sold 11! I am a member of the Ramat Gan And Givataim Painters and Sculptors Association. I paint in a realistic style. The works are usually transported from the original model or photograph to a more personal story I want to tell. This is sometimes done with a conscious change in color shadow and composition. At other times the changes are much more subtle such as the dynamics of the brush stroke and choice of colors and hues. I find that I start a painting with great tention an aprehention but happily I almost always like very much the signed work. I hope most of the viewers will enjoy the view. Elisha