About The Artist

Hello! My name is Bambi Jo. I am in my thirty's and have recently moved from California to Washington. I am new to selling my art but not new to painting. Painting has been an important outlet for me, sense my early teen years. My Father is also an artist, He is the one who I give credit to today for my skills. He used oils, I chose watercolors...less messy! I first started painting horses, of course. Then I begin to experiment...I started trying landscapes, flowers, houses and trees. My itch for painting had to be scratched! I painted a lot! Now I am trying to get my name out there a bit and see what happens! Nowadays paintings are few and far in-between...maybe selling a few pieces is what i need to get motivated again, we'll see! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and take a look at my art. If you are interested in anything please feel free to contact me at bambijo.cummins@gmail.com or you can call 530-566-3229. I hope you have a beautiful day! ~Bambi