by Prabha Shah

Artwork Description

Walled up.

0.0 x 0.0

50" x 24". Oil on canvas. This is a pure play of textures. Most of them are known if you are familiar with Prabha’s oeuvre, but it’s the mix that’s courageous. A broken archway, topped by peeling pilasters, is walled up with red cement mixed with ferrous oxide, like floors were laid in parts of India long ago. They used to be plastered with hand, which, if not well trained, would leave an undulating texture. That’s what is recalled in the archway in the middle, with mildew gathering on it with years of abandonment. Like with edges in Prabha’s paintings, the colours and textures bleed on to distinct surfaces. And together they hold up the wall, which itself stands for melancholia.

Artwork Details

