Art behind closed doors?

David Iddon Art David Iddon Art

MAY 01, 2015

Art behind closed doors 2 Comments Two self-portraits by artist Francis Bacon will shortly go on show for the first time. Unseen by the public. The artworks are titled Self-Portrait 1975 and Three Studies for Self-Portrait (1980). This is now our opportunity to appreciate these hidden gems of art. BBC News report that the paintings will fetch a value of £30 million. But we can now all enjoy and experience the work. For a short time. Soon it will be under the hammer at Sotheby's and then back into the grips of another collector and possibly out of our gaze to enjoy. "Should art be accessible to the public as a matter of law?" Go to the BLOG

The price of Art?

David Iddon Art David Iddon Art

MARCH 30, 2015

The price of art ? - Peter Doig as an example Acclaimed artist Peter Doig is reported to have sold one of the most expensive paintings from a living artist. Originally he sold the work for a welcome £1000 to a collector. The painting was later sold for a staggering £7million. (dont quote me) How does he feel? Bitter that he has not seen the monitory benifit? Flattered?. My question is. "How can a painting increase in such " BBC Interview video in my Media Theatre.