Nicolau Campos

Nicolau Campos

About The Artist

Nicolau Campos Nicolau Campos was born in 1954 in Valongo but currently lives in Lisbon. Academic/Artistic Studies Drawing: Escola Infante Dom Henrique e Conde de Ferreira in Porto. Painting: Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, culminating in training under the guidance of Painter Jaime Silva. Sculputure: Centro Internacional de Escultura. Restoration: Escola Profissional de Recuperação do Património de Sintra. About the Artist: His “artistic space” develops: in vanguards and utopias, redefining art’s formalism and abstracting concepts in the protest years 60/70, in the post-modernism and in new ways of contemporarily. Critic: Nicolau Campos, Concept, Firmness and Seriousness The emptiness and fullness, the forthcoming and the distant, all is necessary instead of the superfluous, all the realness instead of the illusive, the inexistent, misleading and apparent, seeing that the only reality that happens of the being is non collective, but it’s own and individual, the one that separates our senses and is affected by the feelings of the moment. All one multiplicity of answers before one same stimulus, which is hopelessly logic, is truly indisputable due to the individualism that it has, the one that rises as a differentiator element from a group of circumstances which may look similar to a whole group of people. This is what comes represented in the work of Nicolau Campos. We can see a proper esthetical progress, a separation of moments that happened in a particular way, an expressive exclusivity taken from a common context and it reflects in a good level, the necessities or deep desires of the author. His work shows firmness, vigorous in its concept, without that signifying that it is “prey”, but yes well multi-communicative, giving a clear answer through trustworthy assimilation, the rigor of a very symbolic work that more than stresses all made to detail, which is an innate sensitivity, a peculiar vision that doesn’t disfigure or profane the important aspect of the work, the idea, the rhythm, the search for a transmission of meanings in a context where the bottom is merely filling, mere existing emptiness that accompanies, giving more emphasis to the initial idea, the one that shows with evidence in each piece of work, being it painting or sculpture. Should be highlighted the seriousness that it has, one by one, each piece from his collection, without worrying about the style or technical side, without jeopardizing the latency of life that originates around it, each character shows the element establishing itself, cold, almost insensitive to what happens, such as wanting to mark the indestructible and the proximity to the ever-lasting. It will not be an exaggeration to comment that Nicolau Campos looks for immortality in the figure, and that through it, the immortality of the being, therefore the sordid utilization of what is represented, the simplicity of space and it’s wholeness and his walk to where the substantial answer has a clear vision and remark ability of his particular universe. Francisco Arroyo Ceballos De la Asociaçión Española de Críticos de Arte Professional Register Registered as a professional artist in AICOA – Central International Archive of art objects – Barcelona Member: - SNBA – National Society of Fine Arts - Conectarte Spain - L’agenzia di arte Portugal - ESARTE Associazione Artístico Culturale – Italy - Talent Seekers International Association of Art Professionals, of culture and communication - FCBAV Fine Arts Circle Foundation in Venezuela. Publications: - State of the Art – Artist’s Book III (2015) - State of the Art – Artist’s Book II (2014) - Artifices, Insat (2013) - State of the Art – Artist’s Book I (2013) - International Contemporany Artists 2013 (publishing I.C.A. New York) - Interfaces, Perfeitura de S. Paulo, Secretaria Municipal de Educação da Directoria de Orientação Técnica, S. Paulo 2013 - Guia de Arte “Leonardo” 2012 (Imprime: Huella Digital S.L.) - Prospero International Art Book (2012) - Guia de Arte “Leonardo” 2011 (Imprime: Huella Digital S.L.) - Dizionario Enciclopedico Internazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea 2011 (Casa Editrice Alba) - Harvests of New Milennium nº4 Janeiro/2011 - Harvests of New Milennium nº 1 January 2008 - Taj Mahal Revieu Nº 13 June/2008Revistart 2006/7/8 - Dizionario Enciclopedico Internazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea 2009 (Editrice Alba House) - Críticas de ARTE de Francisco Arroyo Ceballos da Associación Espanhola de Criticos de Arte - International Contemporary Masters 2009 (OMMA Gallery Sta. Barbara CA) - Harvest of New Milennium nº2 January/2009 Awards - National Gold Medal-1st International exhibition of Art Gallery Open-Estoril, 2012 - Honorable Mention Bronze, 3º Salão Internacional de Arte Galeria Aberta, Estoril 2014 - Gold Medal National, 1 º Salão Internacional de Arte Galeria Aberta, Estoril 2012 - Silver Medal, Art Expo Montemor-o-Velho, 2012 - First premium - 1ª Salão Ibérico de Pintura, 2012 - Honourable Mention - Mostra de Artes Plásticas Setubal, 2011 - Honourable Mention – Gold Grade, Artitude Nazaré 2008 - Merit Diploma - Alba Award 2009, Galleria d’Arte Moderna “ALBA” – Ferrara. His art is represented in various collections in Portugal, Spain, France, Netherlands,Brazil, United States of America. Exhibitions He regularly exhibits in galleries, museums and art fairs since 2001, in Portugal, Spain, France, England, Italy and Brazil. 2016 - Artistas Unidos Contra a Fome, Convento N. Sra. da Conceição, Almodovar - Artistas Unidos Contra a Fome,”Espaço + “ em Aljezur - Exposição de Arte Contemporânea Novotel, Lisboa - Galeria Espaço Arte, Europa-América, Estoril - Galeria Espaço Arte, Europa-América, Lisboa 2015 - Sintra “Arte Pública XII” - Centro de Congressos do Estoril - Exposição de Arte Contemporânea Novotel, Lisboa - Galeria da Loja Dimensão em Alvalade, Lisboa - Artistas Unidos Contra a Fome, Museu Municipal de Faro 2014 - Sintra “Arte Pública XI” - 3º Salão Internacional de Arte Galeria Aberta, Estoril - “Exposição Lusitânia I” da Arte Logic Store HSM, Lisboa - Galeria A.P. Arte Portuguesa, Lisboa - Galeria da L. Dimensão Alvalade, Lisboa 2013 - Sintra “Arte Pública X” - 2º Salão Internacional de Arte Galeria Aberta, Estoril - Seduções Ibéricas II, Galeria Art Logic Store, Oeiras Parque 2012 - Sintra “Arte Pública IX” - Group Of Independent Artists - Exhibition Luxury Chiado Hotel, Lisboa - Arte Novotel 2012, Lisboa - Casa das Artes, Sesimbra - Galeria Sto. António (expo. individual), Monchique - 1º Salão Internacional de Arte Galeria Aberta, Estoril - 1ª Arte Expo de Montemor-o-Velho - 1º Salão Ibérico de Pintura, S. Braz de Alportel - Coletiva de escultura no Centro Cultural de Macedo de Cavaleiros - Galeria “Hotel Cascais Miragem”, Cascais 2011 - Sintra “Arte Pública VIII” - Museu de Lamego - Galeria C.S. Groupama, Lisboa - Galeria “Espaço Artes” Pinhal Novo - Gallery S. Sebastião, Portalegre - Galeria “Saldanha Residence”, Lisboa - 17ª Exposição Internacional de Artes Plásticas de Vendas Novas - 1º Salão Internacional do Alto Alentejo, Sousel - 2º Salão Internacional de Arte na Galeria Vieira Portuense, Porto - Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisboa - Mostra Artes Plásticas em Setúbal (ARTISET) - Arte Novotel 2011, Lisboa - Clube literário do Porto, Questionarte, Porto - Casa das Artes de Sesimbra 2010 - Sintra “Arte Pública VII” - Museu de Portalegre - Museu da Pedra, Cantanhede - Feira Internacional de Arte, ARTE ALGARVE III; Portimão - Galeria do Casino do Estoril - Galeria 74, Porto - Galeria Mafalda D’Eça, Estoril - Galeria VerArte, Aveiro - Galeria Municipal de Azambuja - Galeria - Atelier Arlindo Arez, Portimão - Club Financero de Vigo (Espanha) - II Exposición Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, Vilafranca de los Barros (Espanha) - 16ª Exp. Internacional de Vendas Novas - Casa das Artes de Sesimbra - Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores, Lisboa - Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisboa 2009 - Sintra “Arte Pública VI” - F. Internacional de Arte Contemporânea de Vigo "Puro Arte DOSMIL NUEVE" (Espanha) - Museu Grão Vasco, Viseu - Palácio do Infantado, Samora Correia - 15ª Exp. Internacional de Vendas Novas - Galeria ArteG, Viseu - Galeria Chroma, Espanha - Galeria Geraldes Silva, Porto - Galeria do Auditório Municipal de Vila do Conde - Galeria Pablo Neruda no Fórum Municipal Romeu Correia, Almada - Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisboa - Casa da Guia, Cascais 2008 - Centro de Exposições de S. João da Pesqueira - Galeria Municipal Macedo Pinto, Tabuaço - Galleria Oldrado da Ponte, LODI (Itália) - Galeria Cais Art’s, Vila do Conde - Museu de Lamego, Lamego - 1ª Bienal de Ansião - Galeria Atlântica, Vilamoura - Palácio do Infantado, Samora Correia - 14ª Exposição Internacional de Vendas Novas - Artitude Nazaré 2008, Nazaré - Espaço Cultural do Concelho Regional de Medicina do Paraná - Curitiba - Brasil - Forte de Copacabana - Rio Janeiro – Brasil - Galeria do Auditório Municipal de Vila do Conde 2007 - 1º Salão Nacional de Artes Plásticas, Lisboa - Hospital Fernando Fonseca (Amadora-Sintra) - Galeria Municipal "Espaço Montepio" Alcabideche, Cascais - Galeria do Museu Nacional do Teatro, Lisboa - Red.Galery "Art Meeting in London" (U.K.) - Galeria ARTE ACTUAL, Lisboa - St. Julian's School, Carcavelos - F. Internacional de Arte Contemporânea de Vigo "Puro Arte DOSMIL SIETE" (Espanha) - Museu Jorge Vieira (galeria aberta), Beja - Les Galeries Artitude "Poésie Visual dans Paris" (França) - Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisboa 2006 - "Lisbon Village Gallery" Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisboa - Galeria da Casa do Artista (Teatro A. Cortez), Lisboa. - J.F. Alfragide - A.R.T. Lisboa 2005/4/3/2/1 - Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisboa Contacto: