About The Artist

JAN JENSEN Born on the 10. July 1949 in Fredericia, Denmark. Student in 1971. Studied Nordic litterature and history at Odense University 1971-75. Co-founder and Funen editor of Kunstavisen (Art News) 1975-80. Art teacher at Odense Haandarbejds-seminarium (Arts & Crafts College) 1980-1997. In 1992 TV critic at Fyns Stiftstidende (Funen News) and in 1995 weekly debator by Radio Fyn (Radio Funen). From 1995 – 1999 art critic by Fyens Stiftstidende. Every year lectures and speeches on art at colleges and Folkeuniversitetet (Public/open University). PICTORIAL ART Debuted in 1968 in the art group FLASH and participated in the group activities until 1990. MOST IMPORTANT SOLO AND GROUP SHOWS FLASH exhibitions 1968-88. PRO, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen 1980-89. Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum (North Jutland Art Museum), Aalborg 1982-83. PRIX XVII INTERNATIONAL d’ART CONTEMPORAIN de MONTE CARLO 1983. SPORT I KUNSTEN (Sports in Art), BRANDT’S, Odense 1985. FESTIVAL de LA PEINTURE, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France 1987. 7+7 1st and 2nd JOINT VENTURE, Fyns Kunstmuseum (Funen Art Museum) and art museums in Odessa and Kharkow, Ukraine 1990-92. HOMO FUTURUS, Leopold-Hollsch Museum, Germany and Turnhout Museum, Belgium and The Guinness Hopstore, Dublin in Ireland and Rotonda in Milan, Italy 1989-93. BAKU ART CENTER, XXXX 1993-94. ARTE DIMENSIONE EUROPA, Castello Di Stenico, Trentio in Italy 1996. SPORTEN, PUBLIKUM OG KUNST (Sports, the Public and the Art), Munkeruphus, Gilleleje 1996. SKANDERBORG KULTURHUS (Skanderborg Art Centre) 2006. FREGATTEN JYLLAND, Ebeltoft 2006-07. THE ARTS CLUB, London 2007. The dA Center, Pomona, Los Angeles, 2013. POLITIKEN, Kbh,2014. PRIZES Henry Herups Legat 1978. I.W. Larsens Legat 1980. Statens Kunstfond (The Statal Art Fund) 1980 and 1987. Prizewinner of DANMARKS IDRAETSFORBUNDS (The Danish Sports Union) 100 year jubilee poster competition in 1994. BG BANKENS KULTURPRIS (The BG Bank Cultural Award) in 1997. MOST IMPORTANT REPRESENTATIONS FYNS KUNSTMUSEUM (Funen Art Museum), SKIVE KUNSTMUSEUM (Skive Art Museum), The Ny Carlsberg Foundation, the Statal Danish Art Foundation, The Art Foundation of Odense, The Art Foundation of Funen, The Aarhus County Art Committee, The Fredericia City Art Committee, The Roedovre City Art Committee, Team Danmark (Superior Sports Union), Broendby (Leading Football Club). Aarhus University, Institute of Sports. MEMBERSHIPS Kunstnersamfundet (Superior Danish Artists’ Club); Academie Europeenne des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres; Billedkunstnernes Forbund (Danish Union of Artists).