About The Artist

I did not have much of a choice to do art at school [East Africa] or in my further and higher studies. My studies were mainly science and maths based and so was a maths teacher for over 34 years, recently retired. Over the years, I used to collect recyclable materials to create a mixed media artwork which I would then encapsulate in my own home made frames. So I was more a maths teacher than an artist though teaching is an art form, especially maths! So this is a new venture for me as an 'artist'. I am therefore a self taught artist and had my first official outing as an 'artist' in November 2014 when I presented my work at the Landmark Arts Centre in Teddington. It proved very popular both in terms of sales [8 ] and general public interest. This was hugely rewarding and given the uniqueness of my art, fellow artists and art connoisseurs encouraged me to offer my work much more widely to the outside world. My art makes stunning and vivid colourful displays for office walls or homes, or for unique gifts for weddings, birthdays or any other special occasions. I have also started taking on commission work. I have also been contacted to present my work at the Brick Lane Art Galley as well as the Urban Arts in London in July 2015 which I have accepted. Whilst I have been doing this sort of work on a purely private and personal use to offer my work as gifts to friends and family, I realise I have now more time to devote to it hence the start of my second career!