About The Artist

Carla Battaglia lives in Reggio Emilia (Italy). Carla inherited her interest in drawing and painting from her father. Although she studied and worked in non-artistic institutions, she never stopped cultivating her passion for art. She has always been attracted by colour, in all its hues, a source of strong emotion for her. In the last 15 years, with more time available for her personal interests, she was able to experiment new techniques, and combinations of them. She developed her technique in acrylic at the Kuntojskholen in Holbaek (Denmark), where she attended International Summercourses in painting. "Carla Battaglia made the choice of giving “importance to colour, in every hue; shape is secondary”. Her informal style puts emphasis on chromatic tones which, as in a fabric, create a texture of intricate coloured threads on the canvas. In the geometries and the superposition of patterns which are perceived, we find sometimes imperceptible images that wish to be transmitted to us, hidden among colour patches and lines. In this case, it's up to us to find the shape, to perceive and discover it (if we really feel the need of it) among the hues, the soft textured surfaces and the fluctuating shades." Margherita Calzoni “Her works all hinge on colour, which holds a special fascination for her. A marvellous world that shines with vivid, sharp, clean colours. Elegant weaves and overlaps are slowly unveiled, allowing us to glimpse deep, mysterious spaces beyond their layered barriers. The shadows look like sketched figures, but that might just be our imagination or a desire to uncover the mysterious and is an interpretation to be wary of. Perhaps the only true master here is the colour, a means and an end for dramatic, engaging expression”. From “Il Melograno” art gallery, Livorno