Jeannette Rütsche - Sperya

Jeannette Rütsche - Sperya

About The Artist

She was born in Zürich (Switzerland) in 1961, she lives in Milan (Italy). Since 2002 she devotes herself to Fractal Art. The fractal geometry (a term used for the first time in 1975 by the mathematician Mandelbrot) is the point where her artistic research starts: a geometry used to study the behaviour of complex natural phenomena, which are not measurable in Euclidean terms. These are for example the distribution of galaxies, the shape of coastlines, the branched structure of trees. After exploring the intricacy of the human condition, her current research focuses on the study and representation of the texts related to the ancient Chinese philosophy. She has exhibited in Turkey, France, Netherlands, Austria, UK, Germany, Bulgaria, China and in many Italian events, receiving numerous awards and publications; her pictures are part of institutional and private collections in Italy and abroad. Online archive: