Yosef   Reznikov

Yosef Reznikov

About The Artist

Get acquainted - RESH Yosef Reznikov. Has graduated from the Tashkent Transport institute. A the professor, the artist, the collector of paintings, was teaching at architectural and building faculties of the Tashkent Polytechnical institute. Immigrated to Israel in 1991. Personal exhibitions: the USA, Canada, Israel. Works are in private collections of America, Canada, Israel, Russia, Southern Africa, and also in museum of Israel. Oleg Shkred. Has graduated from the Tashkent Transport institute. The architect, and designer. He worked in town-planning institutes, decorated stations of the Tashkent underground. Immigrated to Israel in 1995. Personal exhibitions: Uzbekistan, Israel. Works are in private collections in Russia, Israel, America and Japan. It was necessary in foresight, that Yosef and Oleg, natives of Uzbekistan, graduated from the same Tashkent’s HIGH SCHOOL, got acquainted only in Israel, in the galilee city of Nazareth-Illit, have began here their creative activity. They have thought up a pseudonym which they sign their works with: RESH (ReSh) - an abbreviation from the initial letters of two surnames. And all has begun during preparation for a meeting of the 2000th year. Monumental works, such as, a relief panel the area 100 ?2, displaying history of the Jewish people, - it is established in the city centre. Then there were lists of a wall the area 180 ?2; stained-glass windows murals, and a huge wall mural of “Beit Hamigdash” in the central synagogue; bas-reliefs, decorating of some public institutions and country houses, and last easel paintings. More than 2700 works have been created in total by the duet of painters RESH . They are made in the most different manner: from realistic to "fantasy", and "suprematism". Style "KFAR" - coubofoturistic abstract realism such abbreviations name. However, style and the manner are not the most important thing. As Voltaire has told, "all genres are good, except boring". All the works of Shkred and Reznikov don’t leave us indifferent: they are always unexpected, and unpredictable. Their manner of painting is their art perception of reality. The pictures painted in common Reznikov and Shkred, were exhibited at Israel, America and in Germany. In January, 2006 their works were exposed in New York gallery "Agora". In February-March 2008 RESH participated in the annual "Art Expo" which took place in the American capital. Reproductions of RESH paintings were included into the collection of "20 international artists" (? 4, p. 42-43), published by the Museum of America and the European library of arts. In 2007 on a celebration devoted to the 50 anniversary of the city of Nazareth-Illit, Pictures Reznikov and Shkred were presented to the Prime minister and the President of Israel. In May of 2009, during the visit of Pope Benedict XVI in Israel the composition of artists RESH "Nazareth" has been presented to the Pope. Now this picture of RESH is in the art collection of the Vatican.