by Ingrid Knaus

Artwork Description

Impressions, Dresden

0.0 x 0.0

on my way back, I spent one day in Dresden, where I had lunch at the ´Schinkelwache´ just in front of the Semper Opera. On the one side I could see the Elbe, on the other side the art gallery ´Alter Meister´. Without actually going into the gallery, one could see some of the paintings which were exhibited in the gallery because they were printed onto big posters which hang on lampposts around the gallery. When walking through the city I suddenly realized that most of the people visiting Dresden had exceptionally big dogs with them. Next to the ´Frauenkirche´ is the ´Albertinum´ where I had to leave my dog outside when looking through the diploma projects of the students. Some of these projects where dog sculptures in real size, which could be easily mistake for real dogs. Only when leaving the ´Albertinum´ and seeing my dog sitting in the rain, one could easily tell the difference. oil on cardboard and wood, 43 x53 cm,

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Oil

Genre: Expressionism