Franco kwacha Mbilizi

Franco kwacha Mbilizi

About The Artist

Franco has been expressing himself through painting for a short time, but he has demonstrated his unique vision for the greater part of his life. He started drawing and painting at a young age with his Late grandfather in MALAWI AFRICA. It was during a time he was dealing with depression that he found his voice through painting. The positive response to his work in this medium fed his desire to find and explore his EMOTIONAL TRUTH. He started studying color, and form via various philosophies of artist expression. The result is his unique blend of surrealistic, abstract art which captures the imagination, and frees the mind. Franco defines his art as: "My journey has been motivated by my search for perfect symmetry/emotional truth. The only real relationship ONE CAN EVER COUNT ON IS THE ONE Man has with what ever concept of belief system he has. He believes that colour and geometry can greatly affect how we perceive This meaning. Geometry is the branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. Mathematics is a universal language spoken and used by every living thing on Earth. He believes this search for truth can allow us to glimpse the deepest levels of our belief systems - a brief glimpse of Our Truth. Through colour and form, He creates resonances and contrasts that impact the viewer's emotional being. He also use quantum, molecular and other scientific symbols to create meaning for the viewer. The viewer is left free to think about existence by reacting to the balance of colour and form. Ultimately,he hopes to reveal This Truth by using geometry, science, colour and emotion. Each work may begin with an idea of shape or colour, usually colour first. As the foundation of the painting is created, a sense of what is balanced or true within the piece takes shape. He then build upon the balanced areas, and change the areas that feel false by adjusting colour and shape as needed. It is this constant fight for what resonates as true that allows him to slowly work towards a completed piece. He have put my soul into this collection. It ist stem EVERYTHING to me. He hopes it moves u the viewer the way it moves me." Since beginning this journey Franco has captured the attention of many such as becoming a featured artist at the Chicago Innovation Awards, Raw Artist Chicago, Scope Art Project, and The Infusion Project. He currently has work being displayed at the Conrad Hilton Chicago pent display , where he was asked to exhibit more work as a result of the positive response from patrons.