by IceBear

Artwork Description


0.0 x 0.0

This painting, inspired by the world famous Cathedral Grove on Vancouver Island, is the artist's way conveying the awe that is felt by those lucky enough to stroll the paths of this magnificent nature preserve. Massive trees, thick rich mosses, and prehistorically sized ferns abound. When the sun is right, a golden light beams through the branches so high above that they hurt the neck to look upward, bringing a feel of sacredness like that one feels in the great and ancient European cathedrals when the sun shines through their glorious rose windows. The original painting was a little over 5 feet tall, reproductions can be created somewhat shorter if necessary, but this piece needs as much size as possible to convey that sense of actually being there in person.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Acrylic

Genre: Expressionism