Kulay-Diwa Gallery of Philippine Contemporary Art Kulay-Diwa Gallery of Philippine Contemporary Art

JULY 26, 2012

Phlegm Series (The Anatomy of Misfortune) PRIVATE COLLECTION ON VIEW AUGUST 7, 2012 The art of Jose Legaspi is a biography of struggle. It is a struggle that grapples with the most intimate of forces inhabiting rooms, alleys, and windows: a domicile's banal belongings - a bed, a chandelier, a birthday cake, a dog - as well as its grim secrets -lesions, entrails, knives. These familiar and contemptible sites and objects of childhood, youth, and the present form a labyrinth of links that inevitably - and hauntingly - metamorphose into the boarder shelter of the self: society, culture and history. This engagement with personal perturbation is so deep that it is able to finally fathom the vexing relationship between the self and the outside or the other that shapes it. (Patrick D. Flores)