About The Artist

Biography Personal Information: • Artist Name: FATIMA AL OBAIDI • Full name: Fatimah Adil Jumaah • Birth: 1974 • Specialization: painting • Country: Iraq Memberships: • Member of the Iraqi Association of Fine Artists. • Member of the Union of Iraqi Artists. • Member of the Association of Iraqi creators of Fine Arts. • Member of the International Center for Fine Arts. • Member of the Iraqi Fine Artists Association in Britain, IFAA. • Member of SAKÜDER, Association for Art and Culture, in Turkey. • Honorable Member of the EQUATOR, Society For Fine Arts, in Slovakia / one of European Community organizations. • Honorable Member of the Art East Foundation ( AEF ), in Slovakia / one of European Community organizations. • Member of ICAAB, Foundation for Fine Arts in Greece / belong to UNESCO World Organization. Titles: • Ambassador of "The Peace Through The Art", in 21st , International Fine Art Festival, in Slovakia, 2014. • Ambassador of the International Center For Plastic Arts, ICFPA. • Iraq, Representative in the International Women Plastic Artists Association. She Practiced her hobby in painting since childhood and has continued it, and she grew up in the house of her uncle the pioneer artist late “ Mahmoud Al-Obaidi “ , (eldest of Fine Artists in Kirkuk), who had a great role in teaching her the art of painting and the magic of colors. From Al Obaidi gallery she began as butterfly carries with it the colors of the rainbow and a paintbrush that never dissociation her, which reflective of what the inside of artistic creations, using the colors of the spectrum Fine touching creative and visionary ideas. Words said about her * The Iraqi Art pioneer Madam: Widad AL Orfali, Said about Fatima, ( In the paintings of Fatima Al-Obaidi, the distribution of the harmonic colors is very beautiful, and the joy , spirituality, softness... and tenderness senior representing the inside of the thin personal love of life, including the beauty of an artist and perseverance will achieve great successes inevitably In the near future, and she are well worth the title of Iraqi Fine Art Queen). * The Iraqi Art Critic and Poet Mr. Hassan Abdul hameed ( The bumpers of the spiritual beauty and the sanctity of the consideration of things in mirrors, plates (Fatima Al Obaidi) – in general - are moving towards the pride of her baptizing sunken in the springs of sweetness, her amazing care, accompanied by the sound of her colorful waterfalls full with abundantly rich light and sumptuous determination and dedication to the brightness of the forearm type fertile beauty, in which things take charm of its innocence, and the meaning of purity and glare purity, as well as the meaning of motherhood and nurturance, which is equal to stream a lot of fragrant her paintings and craftsmanship perceptions, which seek to check the argument of one of philosophers of the beauty saying (that heat cannot be separated from the flame ... and beauty is inseparable from the eternality) * The International Artist Mr. Mohammed Polis, Said about Fatima, At the first Arab Festival of Art in 2013. ( Her paintings suggest a transparent and tenderness and poetic scenario where they like the rhythm of a musical symphony, included in the color and the most beautiful in her paintings smoothness and softness .. and then the color distribution is wonderful and thoughtful .... Where we find psychological comfort. Her paintings have a great flashy philosophy.. In its form and content of the aesthetic and beyond Uncommon. She paints realistic but has dreamy romantic spaces. The artist Fatima Al Obaidi has her new school in modernity). * Mr. Ioannis Maronitis, the Vice President of UNESCO in Greece, Said about Fatima, Dissuading introducing her appreciation certificate from UNESCO in Athens / Greece... ( that he was very surprised by the style of Fatima Al-Obaidi in painting, which gives the impression to the recipient that he is in front of empowered artist who reflects in her colors her love for life and the great optimism carried with her which highlighted clearly through her brushes in her paintings). * Mr. Panagiotis Milt Zervas, (The director of Zervas Art Foundation, and the organizer of many global plastic arts festivals), Said about Fatima, ( Whenever I enter the workshop at the festival, Fatima Al-Obaidi painting was the first panel that attracted me strongly as if it is calling me, in whole tenderness and softness..... her paintings filled with life and optimism, and this is an important message emerges from the paintings of Fatima. It is the spirit of love for good and beautiful life that reflect the culture and civilization of the people.... Her paintings contain harmonious relationship and communication between the bright, beautiful and radioactive colors that marked Fatima Al-Obaidi who uses skillfully in her paintings). * Mr. Hassan Mlouani, the Moroccan critic and artist said about Fatima, ( In her paintings ... you find worlds of color proportions of art based on aesthetic taste which makes you discover these technical ability that you enjoy cross the imaginary output to verify the face painting .... Through Postures drawn touches distinct facing this captivating beauty of the eye, which leaves a positive impression about the decree on the plate ... and notes through its dealings with the color and shape and hang emotional creativity and composition of the items of the magnificent painting. Fatima Al-Obaidi plates remain embodiment aesthetically her privacy, and would thus contribute to enrich the Arab world and the fine movement path). The Awards 1. Gold Medal, from the First Arab Fine Artists Exhibition in Jordan, Dated: 20 – 26 / 04 /2014. 2. Golden Shield from the International Symposium For Women Plastic Artists in Tunisia, session 14, which was held for the period of: 23 – 25 / 05 / 2014, with participation of 75 artist, from Arab countries & Japan & France and Taiwan. 3. The title of Ambassador, from the International Center For Plastic Arts (from the general headquarters in Iraq) on 1 / 6 / 2014. 4. Shield of Kirkuk Provincial Council, dated: 5 / 6 / 2014 ( for the appreciation of her role in the development of the art movement generally in Iraq and particular in Kirkuk ). 5. Golden Shield, from the International Festival of Drawing (session 11), which was held in Romania for the period: 2 - 10 / 08 / 2014. 6. Golden Shield, from the International Festival of Fine Arts (session 27) in Tunisia for the period :12 – 08 / 18 / 2014 .... and with the participation of artists from 14 countries. 7. First Gold Award, the golden statue of the 21st , International Festival of Drawing, in Slovakia. 8. The title of Ambassador of "Peace Through Art", in the 21st , International Festival of Drawing, in Slovakia for the period from: 28.09 to 12.10.2014, with participation of artists from 14 countries. This Golden Award and awarded the title of Ambassador, are for the first time to non- European artists from the Middle East and the Arab countries. 9. Shield of Excellence , in the festival " FOR YOU IRAQ " in appreciation of her distinguished and continuing creations, which was held under the auspices of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Dated: 28 / 12 / 2014 , With participation of 52 artists from Iraq and the Arab Countries. 10. Honoring His Excellency the President of the Republic of Iraq, "Fuad Masum," during meeting at the The Peace Palace, in Baghdad on Tuesday, 20 – 01 - 2015, Iraqi fine able artist: Fatima Al-Obaidi. Where President infallible praised the role of the artist-Obaidi and achievements in her career and awards obtained by the Arab and international levels. 11. Honoring the guest of honor, at the Symposium of the Fifth Moroccan Artists Association, (in Fes) / Kingdom of Morocco - on the occasion of International Women's Day, on: 10/03/2015. 12. The Shield, at The Spring Of Peace Third International Symposium, in Agadir Moroccan Union of Fine Artists and the Moroccan Association of fine artists and artisans / Kingdom of Morocco, dated: 23/03/2015. 13. The Shield & The Guest Of Honor, in Marrakech International Symposium, for Fine Arts / Kingdom of Morocco, dated: 27/03/2015. 14. Honorary shield, at the International Symposium Of Casbah Artists in Paris, (within 6 artists were honored artist of 70 participants) Dated: 10/04/2015. 15. Gold medal, from the International Festival of Drawing ( session 12 ), which was held in Romania for the period: 31/07 to 09/08 / 2015. 16. Iraq, Representative in the International Women Plastic Artists Association, FEMEN & ART / Turkey, by the decision of the Presidency Council Office, of the International Association of Women Plastic Artists, in their meeting date: 05/09/2015. 17. Special Gold Medal, from the Florence Tenth International Biennale / Italy, which was held for the period: 17 – 25 / 10 / 2015, With participation of 423 artists from 62 countries. Certificates 1. From, the "Kirkuk Roses Bouquet ", festival, which was held in period: 22 - 24/12/2010. 2. From, the Association of Women "Iraqi Turkmen" for donating the entire proceeds exhibition for orphans and widows Dated: 16/07/2011, which included 26 oil paintings. 3. From, the Collective Exhibition / 14 artist in the world today (to combat violence against women) dated: 25/11/2013. 4. From, the Iraqi Tunisian exhibition " Mix Colors " in Tunisia: 25 - 28 / 10 / 2013. 5. From, the First Arab Artists Exhibition in Jordan for the period: 20 – 26 / 04 / 2014. 6. From, the Second International Painting primarily in Thessaloniki / Greek " Cultures Of Cosmos " for the period: 10 - 16 / 01 / 2014. 7. From, Kurdistan Artists Association / Kirkuk branch Dated: 12/02/2014. 8. From, the "Carnival of love and peace" festival in Beirut / Lebanon for the period: from 28/2 to 03/03/2014. 9. From, the First International Festival of Women Fine Artists / in Cyprus for the period 8 - 12.03.2014. 10. From, the First Arab Fine Artists Exhibition in Jordan for the period: 20 – 26 / 04 / 2014. 11. From, the International Roses Symposium (in Kasaba Artist) in the Kingdom of Morocco for the period of: 28/4 to 4/5/2014. 12. From, the 4th International Festival of " Art, Science and Culture " in Konia city / Turkey, for the period of: 15 – 24 / 05 / 2014. 13. From, the International Symposium For Women Plastic Artists in Tunisia, (session 14), which was held for the period of: 23 – 25 / 05 / 2014. 14. From, the International Festival of Painting in the Greek capital Athens for the period: 6th - 12 / 06 / 2014. 15. From, the UNESCO / Greece branch Organization, (WFUCA - UNESCO / Grecce), in: 12 – 6 - 2014. 16. From, the International Festival of Painting (session 11) in Romania for the period: 2 – 10 / 08 / 2014. 17. From, the International Plastic Art Festival, in Mahres, (session 27) in Tunisia, for the period from: 12 – 18 / 08 / 2014. 18. From, the International Painting Symposium by the name of: “ Cultures Of Cosmos “ (Edition 11), under the auspices of UNESCO, which held in Patras city, Greece for the period: 29 / 08 - 04 / 09 / 2014. 19. From, the International Painting Festival For Women Artists ( Edition 7 (, by the name of: " Yesterday, today and tomorrow " were held in Turkey for the period of: 07 – 14 / 09 / 2014. 20. From, the 1st International Painting Symposium by the name of: “ Cultures Of Cosmos “ under the auspices of UNESCO, which held for the first time in Crete Island / Greece, for the period: 29/08 - 04/09/2014. 21. From, the International Painting Festival ( Edition 21 (, in Slovakia, for the period: 28 / 09 - 12 / 10 / 2014. 22. First, Gold Prize winning certificate "The Golden Statue Of The Festival", from the International Festival of Drawing (session 21) in Slovakia. 23. Certificate, for the title of Ambassador of "peace through art", from the 21st International Festival of Drawing in Slovakia, submitted by the East Foundation of Art (one of the European Union organizations). 24. From, the Festival of the International Plastic "XIV" of the Organization of Ostraka in the French capital Paris, for the period from: 24 – 29 / 10 / 2014. 25. From, the Committee of the Organization for Gallery " LA CAPITALE ", in Paris / France, 24 – 29 / 10 / 2014. 26. From, the International Center For Plastic Arts, in appreciation of her efforts to participate in the festival " FOR YOU IRAQ " under the auspices of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Dated: 28 / 12 / 2014. 27. From, Iraqi Artists Association / Kirkuk branch, for my efforts to promote the art and artists, Dated: 26 / 01 / 2015. 28. From, The 4th International Drawing Exhibition, which was held in CRR, Cultural Center in Istanbul / Turkey, with the participation of 120 artists, Dated: 21 / 02 - 05 / 03 / 2015. 29. From, PINAR Magazine, on the occasion of Iraqi & International Women's Feast, on: 04/03/2015, in appreciation of my role in enriching the art movement in Kirkuk city. 30. From, The Cultural House, in Kirkuk / affiliate to Cultural Relations Department, in Iraqi Culture Ministry, on the occasion of Iraqi & International Women's Feast Date: 04/03/2015, in appreciation of my role in enriching the art movement in the city of Kirkuk. 31. From, The Colors First Exhibition, for the Lebanese Culture & Art & literature, Colors Forum which was held at the UNESCO Palace Hall – in Beirut / Lebanon, with the participation of 59 plastic artists from Lebanon and Arab countries, Dated: 10/03/2015. 32. From, Iraqi Female Plastic Artists Festival, which organized by the Iraqi Plastic Artists Society, on the occasion of International Women's Day in: 14/03/2015. 33. From, Moroccan 5th Female Artists Association Art Festival, in Fes / Morocco - on the occasion of International Women's Day, under the slogan " The Innovation In Service Of Society" with participation of 22 artist from the Arab Maghreb countries, Dated: 10/03/2015. 34. From, 3rd International Peace Spring Forum, in Agadir under slogan "Agadir In Global Colors" organized by the Federation of Moroccan Fine Artists, & the Moroccan Association of fine artists & artisans / Kingdom of Morocco, with participation of 70 plastic artist from 9 Arab and European countries, Dated: 23/03/2015. 35. From, Marrakech International Fine Arts Forum, under the slogan "Women legend transformations" / in Morocco Kingdom, organized by the Innovation Society & the International Centre for the Arts and Civilizations, with participation of 40 plastic artists from 14 Arab and European countries, Dated: 27/03/2015. 36. From, the International Symposium Of Casbah Artists in Paris, with participation of 70 plastic artists from 13 Arab and European countries, Dated: 10/04/2015. 37. From, The World Peace Plastic Art Festival, in Turkey in the centenary of the Battle of ÇANAKKALE, with participation of 656 plastic artists from all the world, Dated: 25/04/2015. 38. From, the Festival Of Creative Female Plastic Artists, (session 15), with participation of 72 artists from: Tunisia - Iraq - Germany - Japan - Taiwan for the period 22 - 24.05.2015. 39. From, Female Plastic Artists Association / Turkey, for My participation in the exhibition, titled "Colors Speak All Languages" in gallery "Art Stop" in Istanbul, with participation of 31 artists from Turkey, Iraq, Georgia, Dated: 26 - 31/05/2015. 40. From, The International Society For Culture & Art, in Turkey, for My participation in the exhibition, titled "We Are Solely On A Side Of Peace," at Marsin Marine Museum, with participation of 44 artists from: Turkey - Iraq - Tunisia - Belgium - Cyprus - Russia - Iran – Azerbaijan – Macedonia, Dated: 02 – 07 / 06 / 2015. 41. From, 8th International Art Festival, with slogan, "On Their Hands, Was The Dirt Of Paint To Build Bridges Of Color", in Turkey + Georgia, with participation of artists from 20 countries, Dated: : 22 – 30 /07/2015. 42. From, 12th International Painting Festival, in Romania, with participation of artists from 9 countries, Dated: 31 / 07 - 09 / 08 / 2015. 43. From, 2nd ARTOROS International Painting Festival, in Antalya / Turkey, with participation of 166 artists from 22 countries, Dated: 21 - 25 / 08 / 2015. 44. From, 12th International Painting Symposium in Patras / Greece, by the name of: “The Dialogue With Language Of Art “, with participation of artists from 9 countries, Dated: from 27/ 08 - 02/09/2015. 45. From, UNESCO / Organization, Greece Branch, (WFICA - UNESCO / Greece) on 02/09/2015. 46. Master Class, Certificate of UNESCO / Greece branch Organization, (WFICA - UNESCO / Grecce), in 02.09.2015. 47. From, 22nd , International Fine Art Festival, in Slovakia, under the slogan " For Peace - To Silence The Weapons And Let Brushes Speak ", with participation of 30 artists from 20 countries, Dated: 06 - 19 /09/2015. 48. Certificate, for Iraq Representative from the International Women Plastic Artists Association. 49. From, the Florence Tenth International Biennale / Italy, which was held for the period: 17 – 25 / 10 / 2015, With participation of 423 artists from 62 countries. 50. Certificate, for the Special Gold Medal, from the Florence Tenth International Biennale / Italy. The Local Participations: • Participating, in the art festivals in Kirkuk and Baghdad (since 1995). • Participating, in the all exhibitions held by the women Muslim League of Iraq / Kirkuk branch ( 2004 - 2011). • Participations, in Baghdad as part of exhibitions that were held by civil society organizations (for Motherhood and Childhood 2009-2010). • Posts her paintings exhibited in art sites on the internet. • Participating, in the festival, hosted by the Kirkuk network of civil society organizations in 2010. • Participating, in "Kirkuk Roses Bouquet ", Festival which was held for the period: 22 - 24/12/2010. • First personal exhibition opened on 16/07/2011, at the Women's Association headquarters, which included 26 paintings, which were devoted entirely to raise money for orphans and widows. • Participating, in a group exhibition / 14 artist in the World Day, of ( To combat violence against women), 25/11/2013. • Participating, in the Symposium of artists gathered in the historic Castle of Kirkuk city, Date: 16 - 3- 2014. • Participate, in the festival " FOR YOU IRAQ " which was organized by the International Center for Plastic Arts, and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of Iraq in Baghdad on: 28 / 12 / 2014, with the participation of 52 artists from Iraq and the Arab Countries. • Participate, in Iraqi Female Plastic Artists Festival, which organized by the Iraqi Plastic Artists Society, on the occasion of International Women's Day in: 14/03/2015. The International Participations: 1- Participating, in the ( The Art of Peoples) gallery / Germany 2012. 2- Participating, in the Tunisian Iraqi exhibition " Mix Colors " in Tunisia, 25 – 28 / 10 /2013. 3- Participating, in the First Arab Plastic art Festival, in Amman - Jordan 19 - 24/11/2013. 4- Participation, in the Symposium " Cultures Of Cosmos " 2nd International Drawing primarily in Thessaloniki / Greek, Dated: 10 - 16/01/2014. 5- Participating, in The Love & Peace Carnival, organized by the International Center for Fine arts, in Beirut / Lebanon, Dated: 28/02 - 03/03/2014. 6- Participating, with a special invitation from Cyprus Ministry of Culture to represent Iraq in the 1st International Women Fine Artists Festival, in Cyprus, Dated: 08 - 12.03.2014. 7- Participating, to represent Iraq in the First Arab Artists Exhibition in Jordan, Dated: 20 – 26 / 04 / 2014. 8- Participating, in International Roses Symposium (in Kasaba Artist) in Morocco Kingdom Dated: 28/04 - 04/05/2014. 9- Participating, to represent Iraq at the 4th International Festival of Art & Science & Culture, in Konia / Turkey, with participation of artists from 30 countries, Dated: 15 - 24/05/2014. 10- Participating, to represent Iraq at the International Symposium For Women Plastic Artists in Monastir / Tunisia, Dated: 23 - 25/05/2014, and I won the 4th place and the Golden Shield Among the 75 artist participation from Arab countries and from Japan, France and Taiwan. 11- Awarded, the title of Ambassador of the International Center for Fine Arts (General Headquarters in Iraq) on: 01 / 06 / 2014. 12- Participating, in the International Festival of drawing in the Greek capital Athens, under the auspices of UNESCO, Dated: 06 - 12.06.2014. 13- Participation, in special invitation to represent Iraq in the activities of the 11th International Festival of Drawing, in Medgidia / Romania, Dated: 02 - 10/08/2014. 14- Participation, in special invitation to represent Iraq at the 27th International Plastic Art Festival, in Mahres / Tunisia, with participation of 70 artists from 14 countries, Dated:12 - 18/08/2014. 15- Participating, in the 11th International Painting Symposium by the name of: “ Cultures Of Cosmos “ under the auspices of UNESCO, in Patras / Greece, with participation of artists from countries, Dated: 29/08 - 04/09/2014. 16- Participation, in special invitation to represent Iraq in the activities of the 7th International Painting Festival For Women Artists, by the name of: " Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow ", in Turkey, with participation of artists from 28 countries, Dated: 07 - 14/09/2014. 17- Participating, in the 1st International Painting Symposium by the name of: “ Cultures Of Cosmos “ under the auspices of UNESCO, for the first time in Crete Island / Greece, with participation of artists from 9 countries, Dated: 12 - 18 / 09 / 2014. 18- Participation, in special invitation to represent Iraq in the activities of the 21st International Painting Festival, in Slovakia, with participation of artists from 12 countries, Dated: 28 / 9 - 12 / 10 / 2014, which I've given: 1- The First Gold Prize "the golden statue of the festival." 2- The title of Ambassador, "Peace Through Art". This Gold Award and awarded the title of Ambassador for the first time to non- European artists from the Middle East and the Arab countries. 19- Participating, in the XIV International Plastic Art Festival, organized by Ostraka, in Paris / France, with participation of 31 artists from 15 countries, Dated: 24 – 29 / 10 / 2014. 20- Participating, in the 4th International Drawing Exhibition, which was held in CRR, Cultural Center in Istanbul / Turkey, with participation of 120 artists, Dated: 21 / 02 - 05 / 03 / 2015. 21- Participating, in the Colors First Exhibition, for the Lebanese Culture & Art & literature, Colors Forum which was held at the UNESCO Palace Hall – in Beirut / Lebanon, with the participation of 59 plastic artists from Lebanon and Arab countries, Dated: 10/03/2015. 22- Participating, in Moroccan 5th Female Artists Association Forum, in Fes / Morocco - on the occasion of International Women's Day, under the slogan " The Innovation In Service of Society" with participation of 22 artist from the Arab Maghreb countries, Dated: 10/03/2015. 23- Participating, in the 3rd International Peace Spring Art Festival, in Agadir under slogan "Agadir In Global Colors" organized by the Federation of Moroccan Fine Artists, & the Moroccan Association of fine artists & artisans / Kingdom of Morocco, with participation of 70 plastic artist from 9 Arab and European countries, Dated: 23/03/2015. 24- Participating, in Marrakech International Fine Arts Forum, under the slogan "Women legend transformations" / in Morocco Kingdom, organized by the Innovation Society & the International Centre for the Arts and Civilizations, with participation of 40 plastic artists from 14 Arab and European countries, Dated: 23 - 27/03/2015. 25- Participating, in the International Symposium Of Casbah Artists in Paris, with participation of 70 plastic artists from 13 Arab and European countries, Dated: 06 – 10 / 04 / 2015. 26- Participating, in the 1st Arab Fine Art Exhibition at the Culture House, in Rabat / Morocco Kingdom, Dated: 29 - 31 / 3 / 2015. 27- Participating, in the World Peace Plastic Art Festival, in Turkey in the centenary of the Battle of ÇANAKKALE, with participation of 656 plastic artists from all the world, Dated: 25 – 27 / 04 / 2015. 28- Participating, in the Festival Of Creative Female Plastic Artists, (session 15), with participation of 72 artists from: Tunisia - Iraq - Germany - Japan - Taiwan for the period 22 - 24.05.2015. 29- Participating, in exhibition for Female Plastic Artists Association / Turkey, titled "Colors Speak All Languages" in gallery "Art Stop" in Istanbul, with participation of 31 artists from Turkey, Iraq, Georgia, Dated: 26 – 31 / 05 / 2015. 30- Participating, in exhibition for International Society For Culture & Art, in Turkey, titled "We Are Solely On A Side Of Peace," at Marsin Marine Museum, with participation of 44 artists from: Turkey - Iraq - Tunisia - Belgium - Cyprus - Russia - Iran – Azerbaijan – Macedonia, Dated: 02 – 07 / 06 / 2015. 31- Participating, in the 8th International Art Festival, with slogan, "On Their Hands, Was The Dirt Of Paint To Build Bridges Of Color", in Turkey + Georgia, with participation of artists from 20 countries, Dated: : 22 – 30 /07/2015. 32- Participating, in the 12th International Painting Festival, in Romania, with participation of artists from 9 countries, Dated: 31 / 07 - 09 / 08 / 2015. 33- Participating, in the 2nd ARTOROS International Painting Festival, in Antalya / Turkey, with participation of 166 artists from 22 countries, Dated: 21 - 25 / 08 / 2015 34- Participating, in the 12th International Painting Symposium in Patras / Greece, by the name of: “The Dialogue With Language Of Art “, with participation of artists from 9 countries, Dated: from 27/ 08 - 02/09/2015 35- Participating, in the 22nd , International Fine Art Festival, in Slovakia, under the slogan " For Peace - To Silence The Weapons And Let Brushes Speak ", with participation of 30 artists from 20 countries, Dated: 06 - 19 /09/2015. 36- Participating, in the Florence Tenth International Biennale / Italy, and I won a Special Gold Medal, which was held for the period: 17 – 25 / 10 / 2015, With participation of 423 artists from 62 countries. Her Paintings are acquired In: • Syria • Tunisia • Germany • Jordan • Britain • Russia • Turkey • Greece • Cyprus • Romania • Slovakia • Morocco • USA • Georgia