About The Artist

“…From the first glance, we acquire the feeling of an extraordinary sensation of vitality, a force, a radiant energy. Caroline Degroiselle knows how to restore us, to reveal us the intense secrets of her colored dreams…” Caroline Degroiselle was born in Paris. From her italian mother, she inherited a natural feeling for refinement, beauty, good cooking. Her father, « the tireless giant » passed on her, boundless energy, courage, self discipline and generosity. In 1970, the Degroiselles settled in the middle of the Pacific ocean, in New-Caledonia. Caroline has been immersed in the warmth of the island, the marvellous colours of the lagoon surrounding it. There, she has found her creative drive, her joy at life, light and flair for colors. In 1983, she set up her first exhibition in Noumea. Rather quicky, she was noticed in international shows due to her very personal pictorial style. A steady traveller, Caroline holds exhibitions regularly in Europe and throughout the world.