About The Artist

DAVID HATTERS, was born in Vicenza, October 27th 1986, on a sunny day. Son of an architect (his father) and of an interior designer/painter (his mother), art runs in Hatters’ family. In 2005, Hatters graduates from engineering school, the ITC Canova institute of Vicenza, and continues his studies in Venice, first in city planning, then in architecture, graduating in 2011 at the world famous Architecture University of Venice (IUAV). During his teenage years, Hatters’ passion for photography and graphic art grews up, reaching its peak during a trip in Spain, in 2007. Rewards don‘t late to come, and he early started a series of expositions during events that grew their important year by year, till the latest opportunity gave by Tod’s and Vogue.it to shoot a pair of Tod’s shoes and expose his photos at the Tod’s shops in Milan Tokyo and New York, during the Vogue Fashion Night Out in september 8th and november 5th of 2011. Hatters works go from landscape shoots to fashion photography, exploring different ways to impress beauty,natural or artificial. He collaborate with young stylists shooting and editing their first campaigns. What comes out more on Hatters’ works is his personal touch, never influenced by any kind of photographic course, but self-made with a personal research built studying magazines like Vogue, Numerò, Muse etc and surfing on internet’s better rated photographers’ websites. He also loves cinemas and this passion for movies sometimes comes out on his works that show a cinemtographic vibe with a suspended realism. Today Hatters lives in Vicenza, but he is always ready to travel around Europe, to immortalize in photographs the beauty he is a spectator of. www.davidhatters.com