Ryoko Kanke
FEBRUARY 15, 2016
"WomanR-I" series on my own website:www.ryokokanke.com
Photography on panel for sale.
Photography size: 22.4inchx18inch, panel size: 29.2inchx21.8inch
price: $1,500 Shipping:free
Artist statement:
The ultimate goal of art is to render the reality of the outermost limit of human experience where
life, dying and death coexist side-by-side.
It is the so-colled Eros that permeates the very core of human experience of life, dying and death.
Accordingly, art must be so potent as to jolt not only human instinct but also its physiological
phenomena from their very foundations.
Artistic expression should not be subjugated to the whim of theoretical interpretations or ephemeral
fashion of the time.
Ryoko Kanke