About The Artist

Luciano Caggianello is an Italian Artist, born In the province of Siena. His studies are oriented in the context of a more technical education (Graduation in Applied Physics, Faculty of Architecture, School of Design) and are then balanced (between the 70s and 80s) through an "artistic training from the laboratory," and the beginning of a systematic partecipation, to study painting (collaborations with Burzio, Soffiantino, and Campagnoli, courses nude Academy of Fine Arts, ...) as well as participation in courses, workshops and studios of graphic design, illustration and communication, artistic Forming, restoration, techniques for melting metal (APRA, Atelier Artifice ....), where, through empirical implementation, almost daily, conquest familiar and comfortable with the materials, processing methods, the performance, refinement of all painting techniques. His professional debut in the early '80s, inserts it in the advertising field, as a graphic designer and illustrator. The artistic route begin in the 1986, and led him to undertake an route of research and exhibitions that over the years has structured and intensified. He is accompanied by a book, "Intermediario Immateriale" in 2003, on whose pages will develop the idea of combinations of words, weaving an intellectual appeal to poetry as a means of reflection and study of its inner research. In 2014, he published the book "Parole Altrove" and through the pages of book evolves and continues his literary and philosophical research. Having exposed beyond national borders, is part of a broader process that has led him to interact with galleries and institutions beyond environmental issues. It also takes part in several group that want to diffuse the situation and the value of national art. In Italy, he exhibited his works in many places, although its main focus is certainly not to achieve consensus narcissistic or prepare exhibitions to thicken the listing for the art curriculum.