by Francesca Busca

Artwork Description

"Immortal", 2016

0.0 x 0.0

Ceramic, glass, mirror and XVIc pipes on wood, direct method (28x28cm). 100% recycled material. Inspired by a sublime novel by Borges and drawings by Escher: how immortality devoidens life of a meaning. An initial feeling of omnipotence which pushes us to build incredible things, trying to defy the laws of Nature. And then in turn madness, frustration, resignation, boredom and regression. Why being immortal, when you are just a limited being? Endless time to do so little! Death is essential to our future. Our drive comes from savouring first times again and again and the knowledge that whatever we can do, we must do in the short span of our beautiful lifetime - and keep building on what was done before. Learn from our mistakes and our differences, then make it better, stronger, wiser. Think, feel, err, learn and evolve: do not only validate, but justify the immortality of our species. And this, our children, is the gift and burden we leave to you…with eternal love.

Artwork Details

