by Francesca Busca

Artwork Description

"Our Monsters are Coming", 2017

0.0 x 0.0

Mosaic and Mixed Media: glass, mirror, stones, fossile, shells and clay on wooden board, direct method (41x41cm). First piece on refugees. THEY are coming: by the hundreds, the thousands. And they will not go back - they have no home to go back to. And we started it. Whilst I would like to hide my face in shame and fear, I think it is time to man up and take responsibility for our actions. As we open the door to our childrens’ closets to fight their fears at night, this time we need to find the strength to open our own, and face our monsters under the sun: we created them and now we face them. How we respond to this issue now will define us as a society, and change our world forever. We need to open that door, for the sake of our children, to save them from a world of hate and fear. Let us lead by example, let us show them. Let us open the door, and meet the monsters. I see their hands, just like ours…

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