Rachele Carol Odello

Rachele Carol Odello

About The Artist

Painter and sculptor born in Livorno in 1974, he studied at the Art School "Cecioni", Livorno, but daughter Art graphical mother and sculptor acquires the rudiments of art since childhood. Every corner of the house had the artistic touch of the mother, the papier-mache in the bathtub to create some sculptures to handmade dolls for her and siblings. He lived in England almost four years and began to exhibit. He continued his education at the foundation "Trossi Uberti" where and 'was a pupil of the master and at the Forge Y.Hidalgo d' art with the master A.Foschini. And 'then passionate sculpture hanging lessons by master Paolo Grigo'. He writes stories and stages (he received his bachelor's degree at the school theater "Laura Ferretti, the artistic center Skyscraper", Livorno). In the works reveal the theatricality 'and love for poetry. He also wrote stories for children, a passion that grew from childhood. the place of origin of the parents, Sardinia and South Africa will leave marks in all its search path. Fond of life and color, through suffering by the illness of his mother, he gained attention for social issues and spiritual. In a review of a solo exhibition at the town of Calcinaia, the master Grigò writes Rachel brings in a tangible sign of the mother, graphic artist and sculptor, who acts as the main theme in the vision of his fantastic world of beauty of flowers, colorful landscapes, portraits where the common denominator is always the moment experimental and innovative, especially from the technical point of view. Precisely in this respect, the artist has consistently pursued his research, intensifying the calibrated color effect is evident in the portraits where the freshness of the signs used in the study sketches that enrich the search for the realization of subjects with other materials, eg. Knights, terracotta bas-relief. Fluid streams in English means continuation fluid but obliged the artistic transmitted from mother to daughter. Clear, 'that this passage between mother and daughter find their expression in the key definite sign of indelible images, determining force of dreamlike dimension in all their work both in painting and in graphic and sculpture .. The countries of origin of the parents Sardinia and South Africa are often a source of inspiration RACHELE CAROL www.rachelecarolodello.it rachele.carol@gmail.com T 333 3181203