by sahar eftekharzadeh

Artwork Description

In The Present Perfect Continuous

0.0 x 0.0

The “in the Present Perfect Continuous” series is shaped by a simple form-based study, in which; everything that goes out of the frame, will come back in, from the other side of the frame -so the frame doesn’t act as a limitation anymore, unless it acts as a new possibility for creating a variety of new images and contexts-. This continuity and its repetition as well, inject a conception of Time into the painting, in which Time has a locational dimension and is extended in both horizontal and vertical directions. Then The body which is placed in this locatiotemporal* situation, treats itself in a new manner. If this in-self-body could find a way for emancipating from the suffering of temporal repetition, maybe it would reach a kind of eternity throughout the very moment of present, and beyond time and space, it could be into itself. *A compound word suggested for “Locational -Temporal”

Artwork Details

