Antonio sgamato

Antonio sgamato

About The Artist

Antonio sgamato (Naples , 1985) , who trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples at the chair of painting by Raffaele Canoro , addressed immediately keen attention to the great protagonists of the past , taking the essential starting point knowledge of the tradition for every art wishes to call itself such. Magnetized from seventeenth-century works by Caravaggio , by Jusepe de Ribera , the Carracci ; equally admired artists of the Renaissance and Symbolism , which studies and deepens alternating the exercise of stubborn marks and colors . Of great importance is the design ; in fact grains of graphite, he seems to have found the measurement of time and the meaning of things in relation to man . For sgamato drawing not only it represents a practical exercise , but a real expressive and autonomous language , a milestone in the evolution leading to the work and that it is often the same work done .