Lourdes Torgersen

Lourdes Torgersen

About The Artist

Lourdes Torgersen is a visual artist who was raised overseas and lives in Houston, Texas for the last 15 years. Art has always been an important part of her life. Growing up on Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and being raised by her artist parents, she learned at an early age to explore and express emotions through the use of a variety of media and materials. She has a bachelor degree in Communications, with specialization in Public Relations, but her professional career was as graphic designer. In 2007, Lourdes Torgersen started her art business. Lourdes' energy is devoted to working with glass in recognizing its beauty, multidimensional qualities and allowing the materials to dictate design. The evolution of her work is to allow the glass to free itself into its natural liquid state, directing its flow, and then freezing that shape.