Karl-Kristjan Nagel

Karl-Kristjan Nagel

About The Artist

https://nagelid.ee/ http://erztria.blogspot.com info@nagelid.ee _ _ _ 1995-99 Estonian Academy of Arts, painting 2011 Estonian Artists' Association 2015 Estonian Painters Union _ _ _ main exhibitions: 1998.03 "Room. Nowadays myth" (painting-video) + Tiiu Rebane / Sammas Gallery 1999.06 "Lovers abort time" (diploma) / Rotermann Salt Storage 2000.05 "Suffer like animals" (painting-video) / Raatus Gallery 2001.03 "The truth" / Vienna, Yuttner Gallery 2001.09 "Neoconformism" / Rapla Library; "Ones repairment" / Parnu, Jazzcafe 2001.12 "C…, hoi!" / Turisalu 2002.02 "Comedy pathology" / Viljandi, Ugala Theatre 2002.09 "Matter" (painting-video) / City Gallery 2002.10 "Stoicism" / Tallinn 2003.03 "Antideath" / Deco Gallery; "Surrender" (painting-video) + Tiiu Rebane, Neeme Kulm / Hobusepea Gallery 2003.05 "Gone with the conscious"/ Estonian Bank 2004.11 "Oedipus Complex" – exhibition “3 Nagels” / Tartu Art Hall 2005.03 "Homeland Daughter Calls" (painting-video) / Hobusepea Gallery 2005.09 "State Terror" / Latvia, Riga, Park Victory 2007.02 "Execution" + Tiiu Rebane / Vaal Gallery 2007.06 "Mental-Aesthetical Criticism" + Tiiu Rebane / Parnu, Endla Theatre 2007.09 "Los Angeles, 2007" (photo) + Tiiu Rebane / 2008.02 "Unsung Soldier" + Tiiu Rebane / Gallery La-People 2009.06 "Solutions" + Tiiu Rebane / Estonian Embassy in Moscow 2009.10 "Punkt/Period" + Tiiu Rebane / Academic Library of Tallinn University; "Contactee/Period" + Tiiu Rebane / Institute of Cybernetics 2010.10 “Relocation” + Tiiu Rebane, Lemming Nagel, Kalju Nagel / Tallinn, Pirita Vaba Aja Keskus 2011.05 "Men of Honour" + Tiiu Rebane, Reri / Institute of Cybernetics 2011.07 "Court case - Epic Winning" (painting-installation-video) + Tiiu Rebane, Reri / Draakon Gallery 2012.04 “All is All” + Tiiu Rebane, Reri / Tallinn, Gallery Metropol 2012.06 “Cosa Nostra” + Tiiu Rebane, Lemming Nagel, Kalju Nagel / Haapsalu, Evald Okas Museum 2012.09 “Your Love” (painting-video) + Tiiu Rebane, Reri / Tallinn, DA keldrisaal 2012.10 “Future” + Tiiu Rebane / Kuku Club & Cafe 2012.11 “Postmodern Realism” + Tiiu Rebane / Viljandi, Ugala Theatre Gallery 2013.06 “Love is Help” / Cafe Saltbodan, Loviisa, Finland 2014.08 “Objects and Creatures” (painting-video) + Tiiu Rebane / Gallery Metropol 2015.04 "Field of experiments" / Paldiski, Amandus Adamsoni Ateljeemuuseum 2015.06 "Unknown revolution" (painting-video) / Tallinn, City Gallery 2016.04 "Try this at home !" + Tiiu Rebane, Reri / Paldiski, Amandus Adamsoni Ateljeemuuseum 2018.02 "Say cease" / Tallinn, Estonian Drama Theatre 2018.12 "Posterity. One parallel closing time" (painting-video) / Tallinn, Draakon Gallery 2020.10 "Highly Likely" + Tiiu Rebane / Estonia, Rakvere Theatre Gallery 2022.03 "Danse Macabre / Eartheater" + Oleg Wiebe / Tallinn, Kadrioru Plaza gallery 2022.03 "Personal Freedom" / Helsinki, Gallery Katariina 2022.07 "Contemporary nature painting" / Estonia, Muhu, Nõmmküla, EAA Art Residency 2022.08 "Nature paintings" / Estonia, Kuressaare, Saaremaa Art Studio Creative Center 2022.09 "Peace" / Tallinn, Intera Kodusalong _ _ _ Catalogues: 2001 - "EKA - Eesti Kunstiakadeemia" / Maalikunsti osakond ( "Is it" 1996/1998 ) 2007 - "Pain Things", Eha Komissarov / "Artists of Estonia 3", Center for Contemporary Arts, 2007 (est/eng text) http://www.erztria.narod.ru/Catalogue.Artists.3.2007.html 2008 - "Plaisirs de L'imagination" / ( "Ecafot" 2005 / "L'etranger" 2007-2008 - Karl-Kristjan Nagel & Tiiu Rebane ) 2011 - "Pintsliga tõmmatud Eesti" Aavo Kokk, Andres Eilart / ( "Maa-õhk-vesi" ( Järvakandi maastik ), LK 102-103 ) 2012 - "Pintsliga tõmmatud Linnad" Aavo Kokk, Andres Eilart / ( "Kesksuve öömürgitus" ( Saue jaamahoone ), LK 176-177 ) 2020 - "Muhu Kunstis Kunst Muhus" Reeli Kõiv / ( "Uietalu tuuleveski. Muhu" 2015, LK 150-151 ) _ _ _ Grants & Scholarships: Unesco Artist Residence in Vienna, Austria, 2001 Estonian Culture Capital, 2005 (1 year scholarship) Loviisa Artists Studio residence, Finland, 2013 _ _ _ Works in collections: Estonian Bank KUMU (Estonian Art Museum) TKM (Tartu Art Museum) AS Estonian Artgallery & other