by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description

The Valley

0.0 x 0.0

36" x 46" oil on canvas There is a valley. A Beautiful colorful valley. I stand on a high hill overlooking this depression in the land, and drink in its beauty. There are separate squares of color, delineating different bounty in each. I have no idea what is being grown, and really don't care. I just like to gaze at it. Maybe there is no vegetation growing in the valley. Maybe its just different colors of soil. Maybe there is gold or diamonds or oil to be found in this valley. Maybe nothing. One day I will venture down into it and discover its mystery. For now I'm satisfied to imagine what magic could be there, rather than be disappointed. Sophie came upon the valley during a long hike through the neighboring hills of her cottage. It spread out before her like a multi-patched quilt of colors. It caught her breath for a moment as it filled her eyes and she drank in its beauty. She didn't know where she was, didn't follow a set trail or directions, she just plunged out of her house on an early Sunday morning to drink in the beautiful weather and surroundings, and suddenly came upon this beautiful rift in the earth. She sat down on a patch of grass and with her binoculars scoured the earth that lay before her. She could make out the vegetation that formed the various colorations. It was so interesting to her; she sat there for hours ruminating on life, love and all the universal questions of man. The hours drifted before her until she realized she should move on with her hike and her life. She would come back tomorrow. There was always "tomorrow".

Artwork Details

