by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description

Autumn Haze #2

0.0 x 0.0

15" high x 10" wide acrylic on canvas The last miserably hot days of summer hung in the air causing a warm glow on everything. The CTA bus was sweltering with its overload of passengers. Lannie hung on to the pole, squeezed between Chicago's humanity. She caught the time on a clock on the outside of a building. "Five minutes to go, and then I'm toast", she thought. Finally the bus came to her stop and she pushed her way through the crowd to the door. She walked as quickly as her platform shoes allowed, through the crowded downtown blocks to her interview, held in one of the dilapidated buildings on the fringe of the shopping area. The elevator was as old as the building. It squeaked its way up to the top floor where the interview was being held. The door squeaked open and the reception room was jam-packed with people all waiting their turn for the audition. Lannie became one of the many, and she held her place in between two enormous women. There was no air conditioning in this building. The windows were open, the fans were whirring, but it made no difference, it was hot and humid. She had no choice but to stay or leave. She hung in as long as she could, as the clock ticked off the hours. Finally, her name was called, and she walked into the interview room with a brave smile to face "today's opportunity for fame and fortune". The faces of the people inside immediately turned into scowls. "You're a brunette", and another one, "we asked for under 30 for this role". "O.K." gottcha', Lannie smiled, twirling around on those high high heels and bravely walked back out the door, pushing her way through the reception room and out the door. She paused in the hallway, pulled out her appointment book and found her next interview, "Way on the other side of town".

Artwork Details

