Artwork Description


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Human beings use varied ways to express emotions. These subtle emotions when expressed in terms of flowers make far-reaching impressions on the mind. When the artist expresses his/ her ideas, moods & emotions through the forms, textures & colours of flowers, the viewer senses a beauty & liveliness far beyond one’s imagination. We see thoughts and images emerge and recede and the exploratory nature of Meghanad’s approach is made apparent. The roots of his working process lie in Minimal works of late 1960’s and early 70’s.The immediacy & intimacy of the delicate photographs affirm the importance of process in the art of Meghanad Ganpule. Flowers, petals, their tenderness, softness and hues have inspired this artist. Forms, textures, colours, fragrances, translucence, opacity and the very whole existence of these elements are capable of expressing vivid emotions very easily. These elements are absolutely vital in every field of art. There are no rules for good photographs; there are only good photographs. ANSEL ADAMS. His flowers float in unknown locations, free from material trappings; they are not bound by weight or attachment. The limitless space which Meghanad’s flowers occupy has parallels in the infinity of his patterns. He refers directly to the metaphysical and his imagery whispers to the subconscious, coaxing it to the surface. The result is a slight “blurring” effect. What was seen once will not be seen a second time. Without the intermediary of a reflection in another object, our eyes have only a very partial vision of our physical person, and will tend to take it – to drag it, it is sometimes tempting to say – to a place where they have no control. This can be experienced as the wrench between the sensation of empathy we feel when facing a colored surface that seems to want to envelop us, or into which, like the body represented there, we would like to melt and the liberty, the dynamic of the gaze that will always be drawn to light, even to dazzling light. Any flower in it's short life, exudes immense pleasure, happiness to the human mind. Its memories leave a lasting impression on one’s mind. It is not surprising that, some two centuries ago, in Turkey, about 300 different flowers were used in an exclusive communicative language. The artist, by his own creative strength, expresses the omnipotence of flowers in life through this exhibition. This artistic creation shall evoke same beauty & joy in the mind of the viewer. One selective focus may be a mistake; ten of them are experimentation, & hundred Percent SELECTIVE is a STYLE. The artist intends leading the viewer to soak in the divine beauty of flowers and cherish those floral impressions forever. The hardest thing to photograph is to create a simple image- ANNE GEDDES. A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart, and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it - IRVING PENN. SO NOW, LET THIS BLISS PREVAIL!

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