Roswitha van der Zander

Roswitha van der Zander

About The Artist

Roswitha van der Zander was born in 1953. She studied at the Art College Karlsruhe, Germany, from 1974 to 1979. Now she lives and works in Düsseldorf, but you can not call her an artist of Düsseldorf, not even a German artist. She doesnt identify with any group and her work, which came into being during a period of now more than 30 years, is highly individualistic. So the subject of her work is, on the whole, everything she thinks, feels and especially sees, and her means of expression are sculpture as well as drawing. Her sculptures are made of traditional materials like plaster or wood, but there isnt anything traditional in subject and message. Her sculptures and reliefs, based on real objects, which can be a snail shell as well as the human body, contain realistic, surreal and abstract elements. The ones, dealing with the image of men are often ironic or even cynic, as Roswitha van der Zander doesnt believe in the traditional roles of society. Whatever the subject is, the sculptures with their strict, but nevertheless sensual forms, show an emphasis of volume and gravity, so that even small objects can look monumental. Her pencil-drawings are an independent part of her work, not just sculptors sketches, although they have similar subjects. The drawings are mostly so dense and differentiated, that they are hardly possible to reproduce. There is ambiguity in them, behind a seemingly unequivocal reality, a view into inner consciousness, that offers own associations to the one looking at the work. It is as well very demanding on his will and ability to look intensely. Webside: