About The Artist

I work in my studio at home. I am a multi-skilled artist often working with recycled and found materials. I live near Cradle Mountain, Tasmania, Australia, the little Island south of the eastern coast of Australia. I am inspired by the wonderful unique Gondwanaland Rainforest that is my back yard. The subject matter of my work includes fossils, insects, plant and animal species that are on the edge of life, they are on the list of 'Endangered Species', one previously found, is a fossil, a rare 'Mayfly' discovered in Lake Peder South of the 'Gorgon River Dam', in the southern part of Tasmania. It has had an amazing and secret existence until now. It is the only species that has three stages of pupating, (change in its larvae stages), before it leaves the water and flies up to the moon to be mated. The males have two eyes for focusing on the females as they only live one day, so they need to focus up and down at the same time to find them all. Can you imagine becoming three different forms like a tadpole to a frog? Found in the muddy rivulet that runs from the fresh waters of Lake Peder, deep within the sunken ' World Heritage' inland sea, which is now covered over by the infamous 'Gordon River Dam', this 65 million year old mayfly is now on the endangered list. It is expected to live for only another 20 years due to climate change and global warming. One of the first species in the food chain, important to the survival of many, perhaps man, will be affected in due course. It's ironical to think that man is the killer of most extinct species. How precious are these creatures? How precious is life itself? My work is the product of my environment. I spend most of my time outside in the landscape, interpreting the world as I go, in ore of the beauty and ashamed of the rape and plunder of the human race. How many species have disappeared in my life time? My heart bleeds for the loss. I have spent the last two years living in my car and doing my Masters degree at the Launceston University. I ran away from my home for two reasons, my house had a robbery and had experienced 2 arson attracts and there was a kiln at university not being used much so I needed to focus my energies for a positive outcome for my future. If this didn't happen to me I may not have accomplished this work. I like to work for commissions anywhere in the world to learn more about this wonderful earth and its living forms. I hope to design installations for private and public places. The theme that runs through my work is 'Capturing the Tasmanian Rain-forest', before it disappears. My work is like a message in a bottle. Plant and insect species of the Tasmanian rainforest is a dominant theme in my work. This is my passion. My work is about loss of landscape and Gondwanaland fauna and flora. The beautiful rainforest has highlighted its perilously fragile future. I am concerned about the loss of indigenous species and biodiversity due to human intervention and the onslaught of forest industries. All small invertebrates such as mayflies and butterflies of the Gondwanaland rainforest have survived here, for more than 65,000,000 years. I believe the past event, over the last 200 years, is the climax of global warming due to our lifestyles and land uses. It will change the futures of mayflies and humans as we have both become fragile and are threatened by extinction due to our political and industrial hold over the land. The plantations that are now growing here were planted specifically for pulp to send to the Japanese for the production of their newspapers. How global carbon friendly is that? Science research states that the 'Old Growth Forests' hold the most Carbon so we should stop destroying them and even replant the trees that take 2,000 years to grow and try to replace them for future generations to enjoy as we have. Tasmania is really 'heaven on earth' and without the forests in there natural state we will loose part of the home we call earth that keeps us dreaming and continually amazes us with its secrets. Specialties: Permaculture Identification of Tasmanian Forest species and effects from local Industries changing frsh rivers, water and forest environments Photography, Oil painting,