Philippe Benichou

Philippe Benichou

About The Artist

I was led to becoming an artist through a spiritual quest that began when I was a child and crystallized in the mid to late 1990’s. I never consciously intended to paint. I have always been intensely fascinated by the innermost workings of the universe, both physical and spiritual. I find keen similarities between the vastness of the expanding cosmos, freedom of mind and being. After all, we are travelers in space. Strange as it seems, I feel like my spirit is in a constant state of creative meditation, free to roam through many other planes and dimensions. My paintings are proofs and accounts of my travels and spiritual reflections. I paint from inner visions and intense emotions, impossible to organize in words, which I let go of instead on canvas. I seem to follow an inner guide and a wisdom resembling an internal muse. It supplies me with tremendous joy and a wonderful feeling of long forgotten peace. My work is an extension and a clarification of my strongest, clearest and most intimate creative thinking. I am convinced that what I manifest in physical form as an artist is but a dim reflection of what my spirit is capable of creating. With a clear risk of sounding naively utopian, I believe we are here to manifest the magnificence of life and help one another discover and actualize our intrinsic and individual freedom. I trust that we all play a specific role in the great scheme and mystery of life. I see myself as a mystic and understand art as the channeling of a creative realm I no longer wish to resist. I see the physical realm as a communication platform for higher consciousness.