Hans Joachim Conrad

Hans Joachim Conrad

About The Artist

Hans Joachim Conrad is a graphic-designer and photographer, working and living in Duesseldorf, Germany. He has developed different concepts for his pictures, which either involve a very specialised shooting technique  for his impressionistic images, or digital revisions of existing photographs. The intention is to find pictures far from normal photos – artificial photography.
His method of working to create the impressionistic photographs is highly unusual. The object of the picture (people in motion) is moving as well as the camera-  which leads to pictures of unique imagination. Completely new imagery is generated.
The autonomous movement of the people and the camera generate a kind of painting with the camera: light, colour and form flow together to a clear, colourful composition which is sometimes reminiscent of  the impressionistic paintings of the old masters.The skill is to move the camera in a very peculiar way to create the optimal “stroke of the brush“ – and this is a good many times masterly done. See more under: http://www.conrad-artifizierte-fotografien.de/