Valeriy Grachov

Valeriy Grachov

About The Artist

Biography Valeriy Grachov was born in Archangelsk, Russia in 1949. He went to school in Leningrad in 1956 and later moved to Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine with the family. He graduated from high school in Kiev and entered Kiev’s Institute of Design and Architecture in 1966 with following graduation in 1972. The artist traveled, resided and worked in many places over mountains in Central Asia, Baikal, Far East, on the islands in Japanese Sea. He lived and worked in Jyvaskyla (Finland) in 1988, Trenton (USA) in 1989-90, Prague (Czech Rep.) in 1974-75. Presently lives in Kiev, Ukraine. Single Exhibitions 1. The Institute of Experimental Designing, Kiev, Ukraine - 1975 2. The Union of Composers, Kiev, Ukraine - 1982 3. The Union of Composers, Kiev, Ukraine - 1984 4. The Union of Architects, Kiev, Ukraine - 1984 5. The Ministry of Geology, Kiev, Ukraine - 1988 6. The Club of Vasyutintsi Village, Chercassy Reg. Ukraine - 1989 7. The Palace of Sport, Kiev, Ukraine - 1993 8. The Ukrainian Art House, Kiev, Ukraine - 1993 9. The Museum of Shevchenko, together with S. Naberezhnih, Kiev, Ukraine - 1993 10. Rifle Club, Prague, Czech Republic - 1994 11. International Trade Center, Central Office of AUDI, Prague, Czech Republic - 1994 12. The Gallery “Fatherland”, Kiev, Ukraine - 1997 13. The Hall of Archive of Literature and Art, Kiev, Ukraine - 2002 14. The House of Actor, Kiev, Ukraine - 2003 15. The Art Gallery of Kiev-Mogylyan Academy, Kiev, Ukraine - 2004 Group Exhibitions 1. State Planetarium, Kiev, Ukraine - 1995 2. The Ukrainian Art House, Kiev, Ukraine - 1996 3. China Jinshan (Shanghai) International Folk Painting Exhibition - 2005 4. Aesthetica Magazine Art Exhibition, York, UK - 2006 5. 'Suzirja' Theater, Kiev, Ukraine, 2008 6. "De Ribas". The 'Soviart' Contemporary Art Center, Kiev, Ukraine, 2008 7. 'Art Kiev 2008', Ukrainian House, Kiev, Ukraine, 2008 Awards 1. - winner in discipline Photography, Mercafir, P.zza Artom 12 - FIRENZE, Italy, 2005 2. The Best Artwork of the Month, Mansco Style, January, Spain, 2008 3. 1st PRIZE in Art Contest "De Ribas". The 'Soviart' Contemporary Art Center, Kiev, Ukraine, 2008 Publications 1. Travel News Magazine, No. 10-11, pp. 37-40, Ukraine, 2003 2. Global Vision Platform, Netherlands, 2005 3. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 4-5, USA, Jul/Aug, 2006 4. International Artist *, No. 52, pp. 110-119, Canada/USA, Dec/Jan, 2007 5. Fine Art Magazine, pp. 44-45, USA, Spring, 2007 6. Harvests of New Millennium, Volume 1, Number 1, India, January, 2008 7. The MAG, ArtNow Online, USA, April, 2008 8. Art Business News, USA, July, 2008 9. L'Art de l'Aquarelle, n. 6, France, September, 2010 10. Pratiques Des Art, n. 23, France, May, 2011 Personal web gallery: