Williams Delabona

Williams Delabona

About The Artist

Williams Delabona is a contemporary artist, born in Brazil in 1963, where he currently resides and maintains his studio. He has always been passionate about art since childhood, when he started with drawings and watercolor paintings on paper. But it was in his teens that he started painting his first oil paintings. In the 90s he studied architecture when he researched the influence of colors and geometric shapes on the human psyche and its symbolisms, and later worked as a graphic designer in advertising. In this way, he was able to gather rich experiences in the fields of fine arts, designer and architecture, which allowed them to expand their mastery in various techniques and resources to execute their works with bold and futuristic characteristics. Williams has traveled the world holding exhibitions in several European countries and also in the United States. His work has participated in exhibitions in galleries, international fairs and museums in Paris, Rome, Dubai, Vienna, Lisbon, New York, Cannes, São Paulo, among others. For Williams, art is a particular way of expressing his ideals, philosophy and worldview, as expressed: “I use symbolism to try to convey multidimensional, immaterial and archetypal ideas and concepts, and often abstract, but not indecipherable. And here is the beauty and grace of this wordless dialogue, of this attempt to communicate and connect through intelligible colors and images. With this I hope to provoke reactions that evoke reflections and abstractions about the existing and non-existent whole. Micro and macro, full and empty, visible and invisible, everything is related, everything is complementary and interdependent. From the atom to the galaxy there are infinite art and expressions. The beauty of the colors, the harmony of the aesthetic compositions are in everything, from a molecular image to a sidereal landscape. ”