Belinda Jentz

Belinda Jentz

About The Artist

As a native of the Midwest, I grew up in an agricultural family business. One day, while up in our attic, I found an old 120-roll camera. I was like 10 years old. Little did I know where that old roll camera would take me! I had no idea that 30 years later, I’d be a Photographic Artist. My work has been in high school and college yearbooks, along with book publishers. I guess it really begin with a 120 roll camera, a local 4-H club and county fairs, where I won several champion trips to the Minnesota State Fair. The National 4-H Congress in Washington D.C. Professional state photo shows. Hey, I was only 15 at the time. How many 15 year old's are taken seriously? After winning a big show at the state level, that prize money was used to get a 35MM camera, which I still own today, a Minolta XG1. Just a few months after getting that camera, I started sending out photos to companies like publisher McGraw-Hill. I just kept sending images, they kept me engaged by replying, “we like this shot or that shot.” Finally, one letter had an offer, the first sale, a book cover. Over the years, that editor at McGraw-Hill kept in contact with me until their retirement. Throughout this relationship, over 30 years, it’s been a huge boost to my desire to continue this work……….. Today I shoot freelance and sell my work to support the rent Women In Photography International Collection at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library / YALE University