About The Artist

Within the fauna of archetypal bodies I developed my project of research-representation "The Forbidden Color". With this proposal I seek to unveil the constructions of codes and levels of consciousness, wounds, traces and fragments where a repertoire of languages is constructed. RECENT EXHIBITIONS 2018- Forbidden Color, Inter Gallery, Royal Inter-Continental Hotel. 2018- Máscaras, Rumores y otros Vuelos, Museo de Arte Moderno, Guatemala. 2018-Art Box Project New York 0.1 -2018 Simultaneous Worlds, 1001 Noches, Guatemala City, Guatemala. -2017 Red Dot Art Fair, Miami, Florida. -2017 Intersticio Exhibition at Jorge Jurado Art Studio, Bogotá, Colombia. -2017 Giro Descolonial en el Arte, Teatro Rubén Darío, Managua, Nicaragua. - 2017 Tránsfugas, Galerie Am Park, Vienna, Austria. - 2017 Ingravidez, Jorge Jurado Art Studio, Bogotá, Colombia. - 2016, Group Exhibition: "I love you, I hate you, without you I cannot live", Two Points Space, Guatemala. - 2016, Group Exhibition: "Linking Centuries", G & T Continental Foundation, Guatemala 2016. - 2012, Solo show: "Plaqueada", National Palace of Culture. - 2010, Solo show: "The Lioness of Two Worlds", 9.99 / Project. - 2010, Solo show: "The Fair" within the framework of the festival Foto 30, Mansion Panza Verde. - 2007, Group Exhibition: "Tarzán López", Sala Marco Augusto Quiroa, Santo Domingo Museum, La Antigua Guatemala. - 2006, Group Exhibition: "Family Triptyc", Irving Arts Center, Dallas, Texas, USA. - 2006, Group Exhibition: "CHANCE", in SOMARTS Main Gallery, San Francisco, California, USA. - 2005, Group Exhibition: "Triptych of Family", House of the Cultural Center IGA. - 2005, Group Exhibition: "Family Triptych", CCA, and Abilene, Texas, USA. - 2004, Group Exhibition: "Family Portrait", Spanish Cooperation, Antigua Guatemala, 2004. - 2004, Group Exhibition, Mozart Gallery, Hotel Santo Domingo, 2004. - 2003, Solo Show: "The Journey", Phoenix Gallery, Moscow, Russia. III Latin American Festival, Russian Federation. - 2003, Solo Show: "The Journey" - Canton G & T Continental Exhibition. - Solo Show: "The Journey" - Ermitage Theater, Moscow, federation. II Latin American Festival, Russian Federation, 2002. - Solo Show: "Art and photography", Museo Ixchel Guatemala, 2000. - Solo show: "Art & Photography Igal Permuth", Borders Fine Art Photography, Coral Gables, June 2000. -Solo show: "The Island", Gallery the Attic, 1999.