June Douglas

June Douglas

About The Artist

I was born in Toledo, Ohio many decades ago. Doesn’t matter how many because I plan to be around many more decades. As many children do, I loved to color, draw, and felt frustrated when my pictures were not as I wanted them to be. Around the age of 10 or 11, I decided to take an artist test that was either in a TV guide or the local newspaper, I cannot remember, it has been so long ago. Nevertheless, I did keep the results from it, I don’t know why I did that either. The Art School accepted me as a student, but I was under the required age and could not participate. Over the years, I have always gravitated back to the art world through colored pencils and then finally oil paint. About thirty years or so, I purchased oil paints and canvases after watching an artist by the name of Alexander on public TV. I was amazed with that artist and what he created in such a small amount of time. I believe that was the turning point in my life, even though I did not know it. In the early 70’s my friend Kathy and I decided to take an oil painting class at a local High School, which offered classes in the evening for adults. That was the day I learned how to actually mix colors to get the result that I was looking for. It was truly the best day of my life, I wasn’t afraid to mess up a fresh canvas any more. None of my so-called bad paintings was bad at all; they were a great learning lesson, and I would not change one of them. It was actually exciting every time I started a new painting, I couldn’t wait to see the finished results. I started painting favorite photos and post cards for friends and family on large canvases. Once my children were grown, I decided to return to college and acquire a Bachelors Degree. However, I was short a few classes for an Associate Degree and attended a local college for credits I needed. One of the classes I needed was an art class, it was at that point in my life I realized what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. All the things I thought were important seemed to melt away from me. I decided my life work would be at the canvas or with pencil in hand.