Dizar Ercivan Zencirci

Dizar Ercivan Zencirci

About The Artist

She was born in ?zmir in 1970. In 1993 she graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Buca Education Faculty Department of Fine Arts Education. In 1999 she finished her master’s degree in Arts Department of Dokuz Eylül University Social Sciences Institute. In 2008, she graduated with a doctor’s degree (PH. D.) from the University of Dokuz Eylül, Educational Sciences Inst?tude, Fine Arts Education Dept. upon completion of a dissertation titled: " The Reflection of Printmaking on the Creative Thinking Capabilities and Self-efficacy Perceptions of the Visual Arts’ Teacher Candidates”. She had opened 2 solo exhibitions in Turkey, 2 abroad solo exhibitions based on printmaking and had participated in many national and international biennals, triennals and group exhibitions. She’ s still working as an Assist. Prof. Dr. in the University of Ege, Fine Arts Education Dept. Of Education Faculty in ?zmir / Turkey.