Francesca Falli

Francesca Falli

About The Artist

Francesca Falli lives and works in L'Aquila. She studied Graphic Design and Publishing at the European Institute of Design in Rome, Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts. In the nineties she attended the studio of Maestro Fabio Mauri in Rome and was a pupil of Fulvio Caldarelli. She has received prizes and awards in Italy and abroad, in October she received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. He has made Art Deco decorations in private homes, restaurants, hotels and murals for municipal and private administrations. The activity of advertising graphic did not prevent her from regularly feeding an original artistic research. The contamination between the two disciplines has indeed been enriched in recent times: in this moment his reflection / experimentation is directed to digital collage and graphics have a fundamental role in his works. This new orientation in the artistic approach has a particular genesis. The earthquake that struck the city of L'Aquila in April 2009 destroyed its laboratory, making traditional working tools inoperable. The custom and the need to manipulate the colors every day have, so to speak, been dematerialized, transmigrating into the endless combinations of bytes of his computer with the creation of works in which he exploits his experience as an advertising graphic designer. The earthquake has also profoundly influenced his mood, inducing it to produce works that evoke scenarios dominated by chaos, uncertainty and indefiniteness, RE-CONSTRUCTION of the soul, fragmentary, referring to the transformations undergone by his hometown. The works of the most recent years, of the series "computerized mirrors", are representative of this state of indeterminacy in which the city is located but also the mood of its inhabitants, influencing each other, and represent the confusion of its city. The mirrored material produces two effects, that of "observing yourself" but also of crossing it and "going beyond". He has a particular predilection for the mirrored material for the optical effects that he produces, for the game of volumes, for the objects not present in the work that become an integral part of it. Continuous research leads her to the production of "Pollage" who are gaining interest from critics and historians and are spreading in the world of collectors. During these last months her production has been enriched by a new topic: the artistic ignorance, everybody paints, everybody feels artist, everybody wants to express oneself through the pictorial art but many do not know or study the history of art and here we find some references, some mockeries towards the false artists and from these ones the provocative idea of her works (inspired in their titles and compositions by the great names of art history) was born. “ Van Coc”, “ Chi è Pollok”, “ Poll_ Gauguin”, “ Pollo della Francesca” are her last inspirations. His works are exhibited in several contemporary art museums. He has received prizes and awards in Italy and abroad. He exhibited his "Pollage" in the large Galleries section of the main Italian contemporary art fairs alongside the works Warhol, Festa, Angeli and Schifano. It is historicized within the Catalog of Modern Art Mondadori and the Atlas of Art de Agostini. She is a member of the Interdisciplinary Center for Contemporary Landscape. She has exhibited in: L’Aquila, Pescara, Rome, Genoa, Bologna, Venice, Formentera, Bergamo, Arles, Figueres, Naples, Milan, Treviso, Salerno, Ischia, Amalfi, Matera, Caserta, Cava dei Tirreni, Malta, Stockholm, Shangai, Weiz, Palestine, Miami, Moscow, St.Pietroburgo, London, Motta di Livenza, New York, Paris, Turin, Lanciano, Vasto, Hamburg, Longarone, Spoleto, Praga, Lisbona, Casagiove, Chendgu, San Diego (California), Lanzarote.