Hugo Murillo Benich

Hugo Murillo Benich

About The Artist

I was born in 1941 in Bolivia. Having some painting studies, I am also a writer, poet and mathematician. In 1956,1957 and 1958 I studied at the National School of Art in Oruro, Bolivia. In 1973 at L'Ecole des Arts D'Ixelles, Belgique. Naturally, I exhibited my pictures in Bolivia from my youth, but only once abroad in Brazil, where I won a second prize. In 1973 I worked at Le Soir Jeunesse as a cartoonist. In 1977, 1978 and 1979 I worked for P.A. Features, London as a cartoonist too. In 1989 among 417 drawings and caricatures I was selected one of the winners of the universal contest "Racismus? Nein! organized in Germany. As a writer and poet I won some awards. I am known as the pioneer of Science Fiction in Bolivia. I taught mathematics at the Technical University of Oruro for many years while painting. I consider myself a classical surrealist. Then I partially lost my sight and began to draw a math comic book for children with amplified images in the computer. At present this project is almost finished. Email: You tube