Bulinya Martins

Bulinya Martins

About The Artist

Bulinya Martins Born in 1961 in Moiben, Eldoret in Kenya, Bulinya is the leading Kenyan artist of the generation that emerged in the wake of the influence of Jak Katarikawe and Elimo Njau. Bulinya studied Design in the University of Nairobi and became an artist through informal studio at Kawangware. There, he absorbed the acute attention to form associated with his peers, who included Oliver Ludenyi, Ole Simpiri, Macua Ng’ethe, Mainga, Shake Makelele, Mazoa, Stephen Mbatia, Stephen Njenga and a host of others. Subsequently refining his own visual and conceptual vocabulary that emerged through his focus on the points of intersection between Maasai traditional art and designs, the African expressionism, and European masters like Picasso, Monet, Van Gogh, Gauguin etc. Bulinya’s work can be found in myriad of public and private art collections both in the United States and France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Australia and has been seen in numerous exhibitions worldwide. He currently lives and works in Nairobi, Kenya, and Kampala.