Lucia Chilese Lucia Chilese

OCTOBER 08, 2019

From the artist profile on https://artelaguna.world/artist/chilese-lucia.3876/ : OPPOSING INTERESTS, 2018 - 50x70 cm, oil and soft pastels with pencil touches on smooth cardboard. Double portrait of two oriental elders in religious costumes, with a bowl next to the head which, in the tradition, represents the mind and its contents: for the man it is a nature in turmoil that turns while for the woman a gentle phenomenon that shows

"Non-alcoholic Bacchus, 2001" on screen at Saatchi Gallery

Lucia Chilese Lucia Chilese

SEPTEMBER 10, 2019

This summer my oil portrait "Non-alcoholic Bacchus, 2001" has been selected by the Saatchi Gallery to appear on screen, in rotation with other works, in an exhibition project still in progress. Getting response and approval from international experts, in just one day from presenting a photograph of my piece, has been a pleasant confirmation of the good opinion that I allow myself to have of the picture, a playful tribute to traditional painting with an affirmation of the right to modernity.