Planet of Basic Feelings

Margarita Felis

The philosophical, a bit ironic comprehension of the theme of love, sex and feelings, considered from female point of view. The theme is chosen as a protest against the so-called “New wave of hypocricy”, one way or another affecting the whole world. Despite the sizes of works are big and monumental, up to 190 cm, the language of representation chosen as decorative, symbolic and a bit naïve, ascending sometimes to childish, sometimes to folk art, sometimes stylized as possible. It was done in order to distance from the subjects and evaluate them detachedly and contemplatively. It is why the visual system is saturated by ornaments inherent to decorative art to emphasize the unreality, alienness and conventionality of the characters and worlds in which they live. However, the colors convey latent emotional tension. The subject pictures are interspersed by linear representations of female torsos, which creates pauses and a certain rhythm.

MFelis Gallery2

Margarita Felis

Here there are my compositions, landscapes and still lifes of different periods and different technics

MFelis Gallery3

Margarita Felis

There are my portrait paintings from different periods

MFelis Gallery4

Margarita Felis

My nude art works from different periods